Mount Saint Francis Retreat Centre
Invites You to Register for any of these
Upcoming Advent Retreats…
Advent is a time for us to review our journey, renew our vision and return to the message of love and hope woven in our heart. At Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre, we provide space for you to come and be, for prayer, for peace and for healing during this season. We invite you to register for any of these Advent Retreats by contacting
403-932-2012 Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.
It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken
in all of us memories of goodness and
thus to open doors of hope.
– Pope Benedict XVI

Advent Twilight –
“Prepare Your Heart”
Tuesday, November 30 $30
Registration at 6:00 pm Supper at 6:30 pm
A delicious homecooked supper followed by a guided reflection to help you enter into the season of Advent, time for quiet and moments of shared prayer to close off the evening.
Consider gifting this Twilight Retreat to a friend or family member.
Advent Retreat –
“Prophets, Mystics & Storytellers”
December 3-5 $195
with Pastor Matt and Br. Michael
God is the great storyteller; history has proved this and our place in history continues to show how God is still writing the message of Good News for all people.
The Advent Season is filled with great stories and great people from scripture. It also invokes in us our stories and often brings to mind the people who we have journeyed with and those we share the journey with now.
Register with Linda and Russ Nicol 403-932-1804
Day Away – “Living the Resurrected Life”
December 8 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
$30 ($40 for private room)
This Day Away is part of the monthly series for the year.

Winter Stillness Retreat
Friday, December 10 – Sunday, December 12 $195
A quiet weekend entering into Advent silence. Come and rest.
Delicious meals to nourish your body, quiet and nature to nourish your soul.

Advent Twilight
– “In Thy Dark Streets”
Wednesday, December 15 $30
Registration at 6:00 pm Supper at 6:30 pm
As we enter these final Advent days enjoy a hearty homecooked meal
followed by a guided reflection, time for quiet and moments of shared prayer.
Consider attending as a family (ages 12+)

Greccio: A St. Francis Christmas Pageant
December 12, Sunday, 2021 – Virtual Event
St. Francis of Assisi started the popular tradition of re-enacting the Christmas story in Greccio, Italy. Mount St. Francis has held the Greccio Christmas pageant since 2006, to continue this tradition, this year we again offer a virtual event.
Check our website beginning December 12.
Please consider making a donation to a local food bank.