A Letter to St. Francis

                  Br. Michael, ofm

October 4, 2022


Dear Brother Francis,


As we come to this annual celebration of your life, I am again reminded of how you have called me to an awareness in living for today. You were not perfect. Although history has tried to paint you as perfection, when one spends time with your story one sees your humanity and appreciates the journey. You were very human with a range of emotions and dreams. This gives me hope for my continued journey and my discernment which is a part of the journey. You had a sense of both the contemplative and of mission. I am encouraged by these qualities as both speak to me and call me to life in ways unique to me but also in fraternity. Your patterns of pause, pray and presence seem to continually factor into the patterns I try to have shape my life.


This year as I mark my mid-forties, I am now older than you when you died. This has given me some perspective as I consider what is mine to do in this second half of life. You in your life had journeyed from illusions of knighthood to a complete surrender of your life to God. You continued to work through the trauma of life and in embracing the journey you attracted followers. This following of men and then women to a specific way of life took hold continuing still today. I know that I am not called to form a new religious community, I am however aware of your way of life rooted in Christ as a source for living, freedom and hope. It gives me pause to reflect. Every day provides an opportunity to align my day and living in the way of Christ. Every day the gospel gives me hints of how to better step into lived realities and how to carry the good news to people. Every day I pay attention to the details of life which speak of the grandeur of God and how I am a part of this magnificent creation. As I ponder at this midpoint of another decade and consider your life, your words, “up to now we have done very little, let us begin again” echo again and again in my ears.


These words of yours resonate with me for they are invitation to continue to hope and dream. They are an invitation to reflect on what is mine to do and how I to live out this charism you left for us decade after decade, generation after generation, century after century. My dreams are a long list, some of them realistic, some of them lingering from stories of you or moments you created in your life time and some are pure illusions of my daydreams. Yet, I am learning my dreams are about surrendering into God again and again instead of “forcing” what I think is mine to do. I must rather pay attention to my relationship with God and how this invites me to dream beyond the limitations I create for myself. As I continue to surrender, I then see how this creates space to dream again and to realize hope is about an encounter with a person. The same person who you had an encounter with – Jesus the Christ.


Surrendering is never an easy step but it is always an opportunity to trust in God and to listen. To clear my head of all the unnecessary “worldly stuff” to pay attention to the heart, the soul – the space where God meets me. This again leads me to the hope of the person of Jesus Christ. His life, which so encapsulated you, was rooted in love poured into him through God, which he in turn poured out this hope through his Spirit. You were so caught up in this triune relationship of love as it impacted your heart time and again. It shifted your view to hope and in turn to dream because you were open to this Divine Love living, moving and being in you.


As I ponder on this and what is mine to do at this time; in this time, I could be left overwhelmed or stunted by pressure. I choose rather to come back to the man of hope – Jesus. I pay attention to how you interacted with his gospel and allowed it to shape you. This is what is mine to do for this time and place. I must continue to allow the gospel to be the shaping pattern of my life so I can truly be a vessel carrying Christ forward in deed and in word being welcoming and hope-filled.


As we again this year mark your life and ponder your openness to God at work in your life, I look to you as my brother. I am beginning to pay attention more to you and your little moments and the few details we have of your life. I find they serve as a reminder of true hope and dreams. They are means for me to pay attention to how Christ is at work in my life. They are a means for me to do what is mine to do each day and in doing so I am present to the gospel at work here and now, not then and not tomorrow. And this is what it means to begin again.


Francis, my brother, your life does not simply fascinate me, it speaks to my heart and again calls me to pay attention to my living. My life is in union with the One who is Hope, the One who sent him and the One who breathes through each one of us today. I pray for an attentive and open heart so to step into each day knowing I too carry the dignity of my humanity and the invitation to divinity which intersects my life.


To you my brother, with gratitude for your legacy and how God is at work in all of this still today… much peace.


Your little brother,



Blessing of Pets

October 2


41160 Retreat Road

Pets of all religious backgrounds and their owners are welcome!

St. Francis gave special consideration to all of God’s creatures, calling them sisters and brothers.

Come and visit the grounds and Retreat Centre 2:30 – 4:00 PM.

Blessing Ritual at 3:00 PM

The blessing will take place on West side of Retreat Centre near the Statue of Saint Francis.


Pets must be leashed or in a crate.

Always With Me

                 – Br. Michael, ofm

“You are always with me.” (Luke 15. 31) the father says to the elder son in the parable of the prodigal son. The father is speaking to the sense of security and shelter which has been overlooked or taken for granted. Here the father reminds his son, of all that is his because he has remained present and faithful as his child. He also is reminding his son that he can be as generous as he desires. This is not shocking news for us who have read this parable many times.


What stands out for me in this simple line scripture of the dialogue between father and son is the invitation of God. God invites us to awareness whether I am the prodigal son lost in my own world or the elder son blinded to the bounty which is always offered to me. God’s abounding, bountiful and steadfast love always meets us where we are and transforms the heart. Here God is, always with us, with the invitation to step into God’s lavish love which is always extended no matter what. As the prodigal child it is mine to receive again and again. As the elder child it is mine to rediscover again and again. Regardless of which of the two sons we feel we are more like, the love of God declares, “you are always with me.” May this be our constant assurance in the week ahead.


God of Lavish Love,

you are always with us,

extending your generosity

and mercy each and every day.

If we feel lost this week

and separated from you

whisper into our ears, “you are always with me.”

If we feel defensive this week

from not feeling seen

whisper into our ears, “you are always with me.”

May our eyes, ears and heart

be opened to where you meet us

each and every day.







Season of Creation: Listening to the Voice of Creation

                 – Br. Michael, ofm


The Season of Creation begins on September 1 and continues to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4. It is a season which Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew have implemented and have encouraged. It is a time to not only enjoy the bounty of the earth but also to consider our actions or lack of actions towards safe guarding the environment.


Our sister Mother Earth continues to provide for us, and we (selfishly or not) receive her gifts. As we begin this month of listening to the voice of creation, I have to ask myself what am I grateful for in the small part of this sacred ground on which I live? And what is creation inviting me to do to help sustain her? I ask you these same questions as means of reflecting during this season.


I am thankful for the colours of sunrise and sunset, for the variety of produce coming in the from the garden, for the cool breezes after warm summer days, for the trees of all kinds and styles, just to name a few.


Creation is inviting me to pay attention to her rhythms and cycles, so as to set mine to be more in tune with creation. This is an invitation to use less energy and pay attention to times of rest before producing again.


May our common efforts, individual efforts and prayers continue to be a witness of giving glory and praise to our Creator God.


Creator God,

you call us co-creators and stewards,

stir up in our hearts

the courage to listen to creation

and so listen to you

in the messages of hope,

sustained life and beauty.


Bless those who daily work

for the good of the environment

and bring to our attention the

goodness of Mother Earth.




St. Francis of Assisi – pray for us.




Photo credit: Gabriel Jimenez

World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

Pope Francis declared September 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

Half-day prayer retreat includes a reflective walk, Eucharist,

time for prayer, and a delicious earth-inspired lunch.

Dress and prepare for the weather. Bring a water bottle and a small day pack.

Cost: $20


Register before August 29   403-932-202  mtfrancis@shaw.ca

August Moments

                                                          – Br. Michael, ofm


The summer sun high in the sky

so warm, strong and bright.

The shades of pink, purple and orange

fill the eye with much delight.

The gentle breeze which greets the day

breathing life and hope along the way.

The produce from Mother Earth

filling buckets and pails with great worth.

Bright blue skies stretch on and on

inviting the traveler to new adventures

suddenly a storm is brewing, rains fall

providing renewal; a much-needed quencher.

In these August summer days

amazed by these gifts, we give praise.


August 2022


Making a Retreat

This past week Mount St. Francis offered its annual summer 8-day Directed Retreat. This reflection by a retreatant captures not only the experience of this particular retreat but of every silent retreat offered. Maybe you will consider attending one.

 – Lesley C. 

The Retreatant                    

The lines on your eyes when you smile,

they beam with joy.

The look on your face when we make

eye contact,

it shines with delight.

The winks your you’re you make in passing,

they speak of your childlike heart.

The gentle steps you take when you walk,

              they exemplify your gentle spirit.

The manner in which you eat your meals,

communicates your heartfelt gratitude.

The way you sit in contemplation,

it shows your attentiveness to the Lord.

The reverence you exhibit in chapel,

it reflects your humility.

Your presence radiates Christ’s grace and beauty.

You, the retreatant, your simple disposition testifies

to the glory of the Lord.


While having dinner on the fifth night of my 8-day directed retreat at Mount Saint Francis, I felt drawn to look around the dining room. I noticed how content all the retreatants looked, and they ate their meal with such gratitude. But it wasn’t just during this meal that I noticed their joyful disposition. A full disposition. It was everywhere. Everyone seemed to radiate such beauty and grace. That night I felt invited to write down my impression of them. It is this retreatant’s disposition that I’d like to embody and bring with me back to my day-to-day life.





Summer Early Morning

                       – Br. Michael, ofm        

Cool summer air

pushes its way

past the boundaries

of the open windows

filling the room with freshness

cradling me

as the sun makes its

warm claim on the day

stirring me.

Breathing in this cool summer air

feeling the warming sun

I am filled with gratitude for

Divine Grace

Divine Love

this near.

I rise from sleep


ready to make

my claim on the day.


Continued Summer Blessings.


July 2022

Photo Credit: John-Mark Smith



God the Restorer and Nourisher Prayer 

                       – Br. Michael, ofm

“God shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher…”  – Ruth 4.15


You, O God,

Are my restorer of life

like the rain and sun are for the earth.

You are a nourisher

like the variety of foods that fill my plate.

You restore me

awakening in me all that is good and holy,

the truth of who I am.

You nourish me

with your life your life-giving word

and the Body and Blood of Christ your Son.

You restore me

to fullness filling me with hope.

You nourish me

for the journey of today and all days.

With gratitude, I give you praise

and bless your holy name!



Summer Blessings!

Let us be open to where God is meeting us this summer!


Posts will continue to be sporadic over the next few months.


Looking for a summer retreat?

Check out our website for details on summer offerings at Mount St. Francis.


Photo credit: Mehmet Ali Turan










Called to Life by the Holy Spirit

                       – Br. Michael, ofm

The season of Easter is drawing to a close as the great feast of Pentecost draws near. The feast celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a special way. This feast through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit shows us that community and openness are valuable gifts. It is an invitation to new beginnings and to celebrate our inherent goodness.

In the letter to the Ephesians (1.17-19) we read: “I pray that God… give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know Jesus, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you.”

Each day the Spirit is present in our living, moving, and being. Each day the Spirit infuses us in our vocation and the way we carry ourselves in it. Each day the Spirit enables us to share, serve and create. Each day the Spirit awakens us to the depths that are stirring the soul. Each day the Spirit encourages us in our relationship with Christ, to allow the wisdom and revelation of God to penetrate our living and lead us into the fullness of life. Each day the Spirit asks us to utilize the eyes of the heart and listen well for we are enlightened by God, whether we can see it or not. Each day we are invited to know the hope which is ours, for in Christ hope is our daily blessing.

As the feast of Pentecost draws near and then as we live into the days and months after Pentecost let us ask ourselves:

How am I part of the community?

How do I value others in community?

How open am I to the promptings of the Spirit?

What new beginning am I being asked to consider?

How am I inviting the Holy Spirit into this new beginning?

Where is the Spirit calling me to live, move and be in new ways?

Are the eyes of my heart opened or closed?

Can I trust enough that the Spirit is present if I allow them to be opened?

What signs of hope have I encountered in these weeks of Easter?

What is my prayer to the Holy Spirit?


Holy Spirit,

enkindle in us the fire of your love,

stir up in us the valuable gifts you willing share with us,

so that we may continue to be vessels of all that is good

and in turn be a blessing to others.



Pentecost is the Feast Day for the Franciscans of Canada.

The Holy Spirit is our patron as we continue to preach the gospel in Canada.

We humbly ask for your continued prayers and support.

Peace and All Good.

Photo Credit: Jon Tyson