Lent II: In The Everyday

 – Br. Michael, ofm



































Photo Credit: Biegun Wschodni

Ash Wednesday – Four Movements for the Season

 – Br. Michael, ofm


This reflection is based on the prescribed scripture for Ash Wednesday: Joel 2.12-18, Psalm 51, 2 Corinthians 5.20-6.2, and Matthew 6.1-6, 16-18.


And the countdown begins. Will we survive the journey to Easter? Will it feel long and drawn out or disappear without us evening noticing? Beyond what we will give up or do more of in these forty days, the scriptures today bring to our attention four movements for the Season of Lent.

In the gospel the focus is on personal practices and how healthily we enter into them. Jesus reminds us how some of our practices are not about being recognized or announcing the gospel publicly, rather they are interior-heart work first. Rather Jesus speaks of what we need to do as individuals so we will be in tune with our hearts and the other movements of the season. Lent is a season and opportunity for us to review how and why we give of ourselves. Is our almsgiving out of duty or because our heart is stirred into awareness? Jesus also addresses how we spend time in prayer, is it because it’s on the should do list or because we know it is our source? Finally, Jesus asks us what we need to fast from so as to make space for the Word of God in our lives. We must ask where do we make the time and space for this?

It is in reviewing our personal practices we can see what steps are ours to take during this season. These early days in this half week of Lent are a good opportunity for us to review, reflect and make choices for the next six weeks. The next few days are like the warm up days of Lent for us to be honest, realistic and focus on how we have been living and how we can draw closer to Christ this Lent. The church gives us plenty of opportunity to “begin again”, as St. Francis would remind us. Reviewing our personal practices leads us into community, which is another movement of Lent.

Community is one of the focuses of the testimony of the prophet Joel. He speaks of how God desires us to be one and how God showers us with mercy, grace and steadfast love. These qualities are reflected in a community which knows each other and values each member; it is a place of reconciliation. The prophet Joel reminds us to come from our personal practices to then sound the trumpet to gather together. Gather the people of all ages and from all walks of life, and be community together. Be attentive to God at work in each other, support each other in the work which is each of ours to do and encourage each other. In doing so we come to the third movement of the season which is that of witness.

As Saint Paul says, “we are ambassadors for Christ” for now is the acceptable time. Now is, not when we have it all figured out or when we have the perfect Lent plan or when our personal practices all align. Rather, now we are ambassadors giving witness to Christ as individuals and as a community and in doing so we honor each other and our bonds. Being an ambassador calls us from our personal practices into community and from community into our personal practices and back again into community. It is strengthening upon strengthening, courage upon courage, renewal upon renewal. A community of believers who because of our baptism are advocates, supporters and diplomats (or said another way we are priests, prophets and kings) for, of and with Christ.

Which leads us to the fourth movement, which is present in the other three and in all the movements of our lives: our God meeting us with mercy. The steadfast love of God is the very heart of God woven into our personal practices, our ways of being community and in being ambassadors. It is always because of the mercy of God that our hearts are transformed. Psalm 51 declares, “created a clean heart, with a new and right spirit within each of us.” This is the mercy of God meeting us in the season of Lent, as mercy does in all the seasons of our lives. For now, is the acceptable time for restoring because the beautiful part of this restoring is we are always active participants with our God.

The season is ours, there is nothing to lose, let us be attentive to the four movements as we journey with our Saviour. What will our personal practices be? How will we be community? How will we be ambassadors? Where will the mercy of God meet us?  It begins here today as we marked with Ashes entering into this season and in coming to the table of mercy and love to be nourished taking these first steps into this Lent nurtured, open and ready. Now is the acceptable time, let us not delay.



Photo credit: Ahna Ziegler


February 22, 2023








In Every Age You Have My Hand

– Br. Michael, ofm   

When the storms of life are constant,

when the waves never seem to cease,

when the roar of wind is all I feel,

I trust O God you have my hand.


When it feels like it’s always uphill,

when the climb is very steep,

when the peak is not in view,

I trust O God you have my hand.


When war rages in my head,

when the tug of war is intense,

when I must shelter in place,

I trust O God you have my hand.


When I’m frozen in the cold,

when I’m lost in uncertainty,

when there seems to be no letting up,

I trust O God you have my hand.


In every age O God, you are present

you meet me,

you walk with me,

you know me.


In every age O God, your love endures

enlightening my heart,

opening my eyes,

guiding my feet.


In every age O God, you remain

steadfast and faithful,

generous and good,

merciful and kind.


In every age O God, I turn to you,

you are my breath,

you are my way,

you are my life.


In every age O God, you have my hand every day.

Inspired by Matthew 14.31 and Psalm 90



Photo Credit: Rod Long



Consecrated Life

– Br. Michael, ofm   

February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. It also marks World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. A day set aside to pray for those in religious life, those who are discerning their call and an opportunity to reflect on this vocation with in the life of the church and society.


This year I was asked to be part of a video project for the Diocese of Calgary to mark this day. It was a neat experience and I was humbled and honored to be a part of the project. I share with you the video to give you a snapshot of the variety of religious life and hopefully invite some conversation within your circles.




The Lord give you peace.



– Br. Michael, ofm   

Blessed. Jesus calls us blessed. The Beatitudes (Mark 5.1-12) are not only a call to gospel living and an awareness of the body of Christ. They also remind us of our holiness, dignity and worth – our blessedness.


To be blessed stirs up emotions of goodness, right living, realizations of graces and maybe even wonder and awe moments. There is truth in this. Blessed in the context of the beatitudes is an eye opener; being attentive to blessings in disguise and in the most uncommon of places. They speak to the challenges in our lives and yet even in these we are met with blessings. There is truth in this. Christ is among us and this blessing is the greatest, for in all aspects of our living we are blessed.


Blessed when heartbroken and when heart rejoicing.

Blessed in the toil of labour and its rewards.

Blessed when raising awareness and when filled with hope.

Blessed in moments when mercy fills us and when we seek mercy.

Blessed when we easily see God in our day and when it is struggle.

Blessed when calm and rest frame our living and when it does not.

Blessed when we are left feeling empty and when we are strengthened.

Blessed because the kingdom of God is our in each moment.


Whether disguised or obvious, these blessed moments are a revelation of “the source of life Christ Jesus” (1 Corinthians 1.30) blessing us. For this we rejoice and give thanks. For this we are glad and live. For this we are awakened again to blessings and being blessed.


It is good to be reminded of blessings.

Take time today to count them.

What are yours of this past month?




Photo Credit: Holly Ward

Two Brothers

– Br. Michael, ofm   

Near the start of Ordinary Time in the church year we often hear stories about the beginning of the ministry of Jesus which includes the calling of the disciples. These stories may feel familiar to us. We know Jesus called fishermen, a tax collector and other ordinary men to be his apostles.


As I was reflecting on Matthew’s version (4. 18-22) of Jesus calling the fishermen Simon and Andrew, and James and John, I was struck by a phrase repeated twice, “He saw two brothers.” This phrase has never jumped out to me before. We know that Simon and Andrew are brothers as are James and John, not really a big deal. Yet in some ways I think it is a big deal. Jesus calls two sets of brothers as his first followers. His inner circle is made up of men who had a bond, knew each other intimately, and could push each other’s buttons. In calling two sets of brothers Jesus called families to surround him and form the nucleus of his family of apostles. I think this is significant, speaking to heart of Jesus and this value in relationships.


I find hope in this as I consider my own life. My attention is immediately brought to my own blood brothers – two very different men. Two men who I have loved for a lifetime even in having pushed each other’s buttons a lot. Two men who have made me laugh and made me cry and also have taught me the importance of a bond, even if fragile.


I am also aware of those who have become brother to me. An unique group of men who have given my heart a place to grow, nourished me with story and their hearts and what it means to be seen. This unique group of men have not all met each other and yet I have experienced community because of each of them. I am also attentive to the community of men who I share life with as Franciscans. The currently community I live with are all older than me. This is a lot of big brothers. These men witness to me what it means to be a seeker in a community and how to witness. Each of these unique groups of brothers have impacted me in profound ways because of relationship and a bond we share. Each of these men in unknowing ways to themselves have shown me Christ.


This is the big deal where my hope lies in the phrase, “he saw two brothers.” It is through the gift of relationships we encounter Christ. Yes, Jesus sees us, however I believe it is through bonds we share with others that we can come to see him and hear our call to follow him. Through bonds of family or chosen family we come to see the depth of relationship and being called. I am grateful for the nucleus of the above-mentioned men and our bond (there is whole other reflection to write about the amazing women in life). These men continually remind me of love’s strength and the intimacy of Christ.


Who do you share a strong bond with?

Who is a part of your inner circle?

How have they shown you Christ?

How do you express your siblinghood with Christ?





Photo Credit: Tyler Nix

Who We Are

– Br. Michael, ofm   

The prophet Isaiah and the apostle Paul are always reminding us of our worth, inherent goodness and the dignity of being the children of God.


In chapter forty-one, Isaiah retells what God has said to him. God formed him in the womb to be a servant. He is honored in the sight of the Lord. God is his strength, for he is called to be a light to the nations.


These words are not just for Isaiah, they are for each of us. God who is Creator of all good has formed us to be servants (heralds, agents) of this goodness. We are to tell others of the depth of love, mercy and grace. God continually delights in us and is honored in our lives through our acts of goodness, our returning spirit, our acknowledging what separates us from God and in the ways we shine our light (aka: share our gifts, build the kingdom, preach the good news with our lives). God who is indeed our strength shines through us each day. What an intimate connection we share with our Creator-Triune God.


The apostle Paul, in his many letters refers to the communities he writes to as saints. He reminds them of this call in Christ. This is not just an accolade for the communities of long ago. The call to sainthood is part of our inherent goodness, it is made known in our baptism, it is what we are called to be now. Called to be saints, as saint Paul says in his first letter to the Corinthians, “with all those who in every place call on the name of Jesus” (1.1-3). Here in this place and time, we call on the name of Jesus as we profess our belief in him and give witness to his gospel. It is not about halos and angel wings. It is not neat and tidy, it is lived, honest and authentic. It is claiming our baptismal promises. It is meeting Christ in the muck and the glory. It is beginning again. It is responding each day and, in each season, “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will” (Psalm 40).




Photo Credit: Terricks Noah

Epiphany 2023: Sounds of the Season 

– Br. Michael, ofm   


As we begin a new year and draw near to the Feast of Epiphany, what sounds are filling your life, your home, your heart?


Is that of guests who you have enjoyed time with during this Christmas Season?

Is it the echoes of a voice of a loved one who you miss?

Is it music which is filling your soul?

Is it the words of a promise for this new year?

Is it hope?

Is it love?

Is it Christ?


The new year is always an opportunity to reflect back on what was and to look ahead renewed. Regardless if we are resolution makers or gratitude listers or neither, it is important to pause and listen to what our heart is saying and what we hear in the stillness.


As the Magi journeyed towards their destination, I’m sure there were many quiet moments but they must have had many conversations, sharing thoughts, ideas and dreams. Conversations about the Messiah, about the signs in the sky, about their expectations and longings. Sharing thoughts from their backgrounds and cultures and ideas of what could be and dreams for what the Messiah could offer for the peoples. I imagine after this there was then the quiet stillness allowing the sharing to steep in their hearts.


Who are you in conversation with?

Who do you need to have a conversation with as this new year begins and the great feast of the manifestation of God is upon us? What needs to be said?

What thoughts, ideas and dreams do you need to listen to and bring to life?

What is it about these ideas and dream (God used dreams to give messages) that are speaking to you? What is your heart hearing?

Where are you allowing quiet stillness to give you space to listen?


The Magi asked, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?”

This is a question we must ask ourselves.

Where is the Christ Child, with all his wonder and awe and love, in your life?

Have I been seeking this Child and what he offers to me in freedom?

When have I fallen down to adore and give thanks for the blessings of this Holy Child?


These are a lot of questions for us to ponder during this Epiphany time. As Christmas bells begin to fade, carols start to soften and festive sounds disappear, may the sounds which have filled this season now invite you into a quiet season to ponder. May this time to reflect then empower you to “rise up” with holy curiosity and courage to walk in the splendor of the Child of Light born for us and for all people.


A few songs for your listening and heart reflection as we continue the celebration of Christmas, begin a New Year and journey towards Epiphany!


The Light Came Down – Josh Garrels

An invitation to pay attention to the message of the Light.


We Three Kings – The Hound + The Fox, Tim Foust

A reminder that our journey is not done alone and that our gifts are valuable.


Rise Up in Splendor – Aaron Thompson

The call to walk in the light, trusting the voice of God is speaking to our heart.


Refugee King – Liz Vice, Hannah Glavor

The voices of our hurting world continue to call, let us pay attention to where we encounter the Christ Child.



As we journey under the Star of Wonder,

may our ears and hearts be attentive

to the song God sung through Christ

born among us, born for us,

so to fill us with the sound of love

and the beauty of light

as we carry this love and light

into the world

each day of this New Year.



Epiphany Blessings! Happy New Year!





Photo Credit: Robert Thiemann




Christmas 2022: Sounds of the Season 

– Br. Michael, ofm   

Every Christmas card we see shows the Baby Jesus either sleeping peaceful or attentive and happy. Mary is put together, hair neatly tied backed and ready to welcome guests after giving birth. Joseph often stands beaming with delight just gazing at the beauty of the scene. While this is beautiful and invites us into the peace we are seeking, it does not capture the sound, the noise, the reality of the holy night. On the night of nights when God came to earth, birthed into the world by a teenager, it wasn’t sanitized and perfect; it was messy and organic. This is beauty, this our God meeting us in the reality of our lives.


This Advent we have been pondering sounds of the season. I have offered reflections from my life; some of the stories were moments captured from my childhood while others were stories invoked by images and items. Sound is one of the great gifts of our senses; it alerts us, it expresses emotions, it invites us into living. I have met very few people who are deaf, and yet in their not hearing there is still a sense of sound or ways to express it. As we step into Christmas, I continue to ponder sound and also the messy, and beauty. Those of us who have the gift of hearing are invited into this season with story, scripture, music, greetings and even creation. Can we take this gift and allow it to penetrate these holy days? We must not let words or songs just loft past us but allow them to touch our hearts, awakening us to the Word Made Flesh – God With Us here and now. Let us remember Mary cried out in labour pains, the Baby Jesus cried, Joseph (although silent in scripture) had to have asked for a place to stay and to find some words of comfort for his new family. Remember the sheep bleated, other animals nestled in the hay, birds chirped, the angels sang, the shepherds fell down in praise then spread the good news, and heaven and nature sang. There is nothing silent, tidy or perfect about any of this. In the intrusion of a birth, our God came to us and the message has been love ever since. Let us again pick up this love message of good news – Our God With Us in this season and sound it into the new year.


In the messiness of our lives during the Christmas Season with people coming and going, life unfolding, sickness and health still present, world issues still unfolding, conversations wanted and unwanted, longings not being met and so on, let us be attentive to what our heart is hearing. How are all of these an invitation to come to the crib and hear the chaotic cacophony of joy, hope, longing, seeking, promise, hurting, unfolding and love?


Do you hear what I hear?


I hear the voice of Divine Love – Our God. In the everything of this feast, in the moments celebrated and the moments hurting our God again declares, “This is for each one of you my beloved children, for you are always in my heart.” Let us attune our heart this season to voice of love again and again, it will come in unexpected ways; like a child of long ago born in stable, letting out his first cry while lying in a manger.



A dozen songs for your listening and heart reflection as we celebrate the season of Christmas:


Do You Hear What I Hear? – Harry Simeone Chorale or Bing Crosby


Come Darkness, Come Light – Mary Chapin Carpenter


The Friendly Beasts – Burl Ives


Children Run Joyfully – St. Louis Jesuits


Hark the Herald Angels Sing – L’Angelus


Joy to the World – Boney M


Now the Bells Ring – Rita MacNeil


Ding Dong! Merrily on High! – Choir of Clare College


The Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth – Jann Arden


Go Tell It On The Mountain – Anne Murray


Momma Mary – Roger Whittaker


My Soul Magnifies The Lord – Chris Tomlin



Each of these songs move us beyond being caught up in perfectly crafted nativity scenes. They invite us to hear and notice the sounds which filled the first Christmas and continue to speak to our heart this Christmas and always.



As we celebrate this Christmas Season

may our ears and hearts be attentive

to the song of God sung into our heart

and may the sounds and songs of the season guide us

into new encounters of Divine Love – God With us

as we journey into a New Year.






From the Friars and Staff at Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre

we wish you a

Blessed Christmas

filled with peace,

goodness and hope.


Blessings to you in 2023!


Thank you for

your prayers and support.




Photo Credits:

Stephanie Klepacki

Katherine Kinch

Advent 2022: Sounds of the Season IV

– Br. Michael, ofm   

When I was very young, my bedroom was at the top of the stairs which led down to the kitchen. Our original home was built in the early part of the 1900’s. This meant there was a floor grate in the landing at the top of the stairs to allow heat to fill the second floor. It also meant voices lofted up into my bedroom.


Many of us would have memories of having to go bed while there was still company at the house. I also have these memories. Laying in bed, trying to fall asleep as my parents and their adult friends would visit into the night. No matter how hard I tried to stay away, I would be lulled to sleep by their voices and laughter. A place of comfort and security.


As I ponder this memory, I can’t help but consider those who have no shelter or safe place to rest. As we draw near to Christmas we may be longing for moments of the past, hopeful for a miracle, or seeking to let go or make changes. Yet there are those who will simply take a clean bed, a hot meal and warm smile. As we draw near to Christmas let us not only get caught up in the delights of the season but also in what we see and hear around us. Let us get caught up in the voices we hear, the longings expressed and the reality of our God desiring to come to us.


Unlike the guests welcomed to my parent’s table well into the night, Mary and Joseph did not receive the same welcome. Consider as, artist Scott Erickson points out, it would have also been family and relatives which would have closed the door in Joseph and Mary’s face, not just some strange innkeeper. Let us remember Mary and Joseph were not in the comfort of their home and within days of the birth of Jesus they became refugees. Consider all they heard and saw and endured. In this final week of Advent as our anticipation turns into excitement and creates demands to make it all perfect, let us remember God came (and still comes) to us in the messiness of life. This Fourth Week of Advent invites us to tune our ears to the voices of loved ones and strangers, of the orderly and disorderly, for we never know when we will hear, “do you have room for us tonight?”


May the doors of hearts open this week greeting the Word of God and fellow companions on this last stretch of the Advent path. Let us be attuned to the quiet knocking, the loud banging and the gift of listening which transforms our heart this week and always. Like my bedroom of long ago may the sound of goodness loft into our hearts and fill this week with peace.


For your listening and heart reflection as we journey in this Fourth Week of Advent:


Listening again to People Look East is always good during this final week of Advent.


Beyond the Moon and Stars  – Dan Schutte

This Advent hymn is a story of journey. It calls us to listen for the voice of hope in the unexpected God moments of our daily encounters.

Where have you heard the voice of hope this season? Who has caught your ear and heart this season?


O Come Divine Messiah – Fr. Kent O’Connor has a good version with hint of Irish.

A French Carol dating back to the 16th century. This seasonal favorite is full of life and echoes our longing for hope and light to fill us.

What are you hoping for in this final week of Advent? What do you need to hear?


O Come, O Come Emmanuel  – Friar Alessandro sings a beautiful version in the traditional Latin.

Dating to the 9th century this is the hymn of the season. The lyrics match the O Antiphons which mark the last week of Advent, announcing titles of the Messiah.

By what name do you call Christ? What is your prayer to Emmanuel?


His Name is Joseph – Sarah Hart

This song is written from the heart of Mary as she receives news of God with us and her prayer

for Joseph.

What invitation do you hear in this song? Who are you praying for?


O Little Town of Bethlehem

This haunting tune is an invitation to notice how our God comes to us in the humblest of places.

Are we places of welcome? Are we ready to welcome the Light?




As this Advent Season enters its final leg,

may the familiar sounds of life awaken us

to the song of our heart and to those seeking shelter,

and may the sounds and songs of the season guide us

as our God comes to us in unexpected ways.




Photo Credit: Kraken Images