Called to Follow

– Br. Michael, ofm

A retreatant recently told me a story about an experience he had in his youth. He worked as a camp counsellor at a summer camp. One of the camp staff was an older woman who walked with a limp and cane because of polio. As a way of contributing with her limited capacities she did the laundry for the camp. As a part of this duty, she washed and folded the laundry of the counsellors. The gentlemen who shared this story with me spoke of how she did this humbly but with great dignity. She left a note on the top of his clean laundry which read, “I prayed for you as I folded your clothes. As I folded your socks, I prayed that you would always walk with the Lord.” She also had other notes for each piece of laundry.

This story struck me for several reasons when I pondered the scripture for this Sunday. The psalm ascribed to this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is Psalm 25. It declares “Lord, make me know your ways, teach me your paths.”  The simple blessing of the folded socks is just this, to walk with the Lord is to constantly seek God’s ways. Not only did the laundry folder know this truth but the camp counsellor grew into this truth as he now walks with the Lord as a military chaplain.

Walking with the Lord is not necessary a call to ministry in the church but it is a call to “come and follow” Christ and be “fishers of people” (Mark 1.14-20). Each of us have this call extended to us and just like the woman folding socks, or the military chaplain we must respond. Responding in ways such as blessing others in their tasks, or offering ourselves for what we can do (especially when others deem us as unnecessary) is indeed a dignity of the call. By guiding others as they discover the paths of the Lord, or caring for children, or listening to a friend, or beginning again after what we thought was the path of life is taken out from under us are just a few more ways to responding to the call. We are called to place our trust in the One who calls our name and says “follow me” responding to Good News.

Psalm 25 also states “he leads the humble in what is right and teaches the humble his way.” The woman who folded socks all those years ago did so with humility. Not to gain any glory but rather to encourage another in his journey. Her work is given dignity in the way this story is told and in acknowledging the gift of blessing another for what is theirs to do. She too was a “fisher of people” by offering this blessing for the camp counsellor. She had trusted when Jesus called her and was responding to his call through the ways she could do so with her life. Do we? Do we respond to the invitation to “come and follow”? Do we offer blessings for others, encouraging them to walk with the Lord in his known paths? What is Christ teaching us about his path for this week? How will we respond?



we journey with you

for you are the way

and offer us the path of life.

You call us each day to

“come and follow.”

We are unsure how,

yet we desire to follow you.

Teach us your paths

and make known to us your ways

so, we too may be fishers with you

in our time and place.










Bearing Fruit

– Br. Michael, ofm


Nine months ago, I became part of an ecumenical prayer group. Our group of four meets online several times a week to pray together. Each gathering is a unique experience and expression of faith. The four of us come from four different Christian denominations and vary in age. This has enhanced our gatherings and the diversity of what it means to be Christian and Church. I think the four of us would each identify as seekers building on ancient traditions, practices and relying upon mystics both near and far, current and of history. We each bring a healthy curiosity to our prayer and dialogue. We also bring favorite authors and theologians who inspire the situations from which we come to prayer. One member is inquisitive, another reminds us of gratitude, and another helps us to linger in the sacred moments of silence. It is indeed rich and bearing fruit.

Nine months in we may not be birthing an ecumenical document or a guide to prayer, but we are birthing a common home for Christians from four walks of life. Together we tune into the Divine Love of our Creator God, the anchoring of our savior Jesus Christ and the continual promptings and nudges of the Holy Spirit.

I have been thinking about this gift of prayer in this group as we begin Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year the theme is “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (John 15.5-9).

This theme for Christian Unity is manifested in our prayer group. We abide in the love of Jesus Christ by trusting each other with our stories and inviting him as our common anchor. We abide in love as we voice prayers and concerns not just for each other but for our families, our communities, and our countries. We abide in love as the words of the prayers become balm for our weary hearts and inspiration for the work which is ours to do. When we abide in love, we then indeed bear fruit in the communities in which we live. We bear the fruit of open hearts for those we encounter. We bear the fruit of welcome and hospitality because we have offered it to each other. We bear the fruit of mystical hearts being transformed because the Spirit is binding us together as we bear witness to the divine love of our God at work and present in our lives.

These simple weekly gatherings of prayer are indeed a witness of God’s abiding love, bearing fruit for the kingdom. It also brings to mind the words of Jesus, “that all may be one” (John 17.21). Here we are four people from four different Christian heritages and we our bound together as one. Our common anchor of Jesus Christ makes us one. We don’t see the division of denominations as a hinderance. In fact, our differences have been one of the riches and is where the seed is being planted for more fruit bearing. I can’t help but wonder if this would not be the way to move forward with Christian Unity.

These prayer gatherings have also reminded me of my small rural town where I grew up. Ninety-eight percent of the community was Christian while I was growing up. In my hometown there are three Christian Churches and yes, we all went (and still do) into our own buildings to pray in certain ways on Sundays but yet were able to come together as a community to support each other. During feasts and festivals, burying the dead, supporting the needy, encouraging the youth and value the contributions of each towards the community and coming together at times to pray, mourn and celebrate. Is this not abiding in love? Is this not bearing fruit? If this not being one?

Too often we use Jesus as the dividing factor instead of the common anchor. Jesus isn’t just for me or just for you or just for them. When we do this, we divide Christ instead of building up his body. When we fail to acknowledge this and push our own agenda we fail to abide in love and bear fruit. It is time for us as Christians to appreciate our diverse heritages, to accept what we offer to the encompassing title of Christianity and to build the kingdom together as one with Christ Jesus as our cornerstone (Ephesians 2.20-21). This is the work of abiding in love and the benefits are fruit which will last, will be shared, and will be sustained. It is time… let us be united in the abiding love of Christ Jesus as our world continues to struggle, so together we all “shall bear much fruit.”

Photo credits:

Jose Alfonso Sierra

Maja Petric

Ben White

Mateus Campos Felipe







Baptism: The Treasure of the Beloved

– Br. Michael, ofm


Before and for ever after

Enduring presence is

Love’s gift to each of us

Offering assurance and dignity

Vast in generosity

Ensuring that each of us are

Declared as “Beloved Child of God”

At the baptism of Jesus, the voice of God states, “You are my Son, the beloved; with you I am well pleased” (Mark 1. 11).  This affirmation by God of Jesus is an affirmation that we in turn all receive for Jesus as “God with us” embodies our life. Our story is part of his story and his story is part of our story. Being declared beloved is a bold statement. It looks beyond our pettiness and struggles, it looks beyond our sinfulness and selfishness, it looks beyond our failings and shortcomings; looking directly at our inherent goodness. The goodness that we are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1.27) is a gift for each of us. This gift declares we are imitators of God (Ephesians 5.1) through the actions of loving one another as Christ has loved us (John 13.34) and in being a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6.19). Here we find ourselves at the centre of the lavish love of the Trinity. Yes, beloved indeed! Each one of us, not just Jesus but because of Jesus.

As Christmas fades to a memory and the New Year musters up speed and courage, we carry forth this gift of being beloved children of God. Christmas awakens us to the promise of God dwelling with us. This dwelling among us is not just for a day or a season but in the living out of our baptismal promises and life. We are the followers of the One born among us, born for us, living in the new kingdom where the cross and resurrection awaken us to the belovedness of each person. We are the followers of the One who loved, welcomed and healed and continues this today through us. We are the followers of the One who trusted, who bolded declared mercy and who we are sealed with in baptism. This can’t just be for a day or a season or in the best intentions as year begins but in the everyday and ordinary.

New Year resolutions come and go, well thought out plans seem to gather dust and our attempts to rise above the mundane seem to stumble. Regardless of all of this still our God remains with us and simply says, “Come and follow me, my beloved child.” As we lean into our belovedness and experience the generosity of our God, we in turn share this generosity – declaring how others too are beloved and valued. It does not matter where we come from, how big or little the bank accounts are, what the color of our skin is, the thrill or disappoint of leadership and governments or the skills and talents we have: beloved is beloved. In being beloved we too help others declare they are beloved. We must look at each other with the eyes of God, the heart of Christ and the openness of the Holy Spirit. This is the treasure (and dare I say responsibility) we carry, ponder and live because of our baptism.

Image: MRJN Photography





Epiphany: A Great Start to the New Year

– Br. Michael, ofm

Epiphany is traditionally celebrated on January 6, however various Christian sects celebrate it anywhere between January 3 and 19. This feast sometimes known as “Little Christmas” is a beautiful reminder of Christ – our Emmanuel – being made known to the world, through the visit of the magi. It also ushers in the dignity of our baptism and our call to be messengers of peace, hope and light. Both great reasons to continue to celebrate Christmas time!


Isaiah 60:1-6 is one of the scriptures ascribed to Epiphany. It is a rich text and reminds us of the light given to us in Christ and the light which we have been entrusted to carry. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” is how this text begins! What a great reminder as we begin this New Year. What a great reminder as we claim again who we are as God’s beloved children. What a great reminder that our God is indeed with us in the chapters of this year just unfolding.

365 opportunities, I was reminded on December 31, to share in God’s love and build the kingdom. Epiphany calls us to see that each one of us hold a treasure. The start of a New Year, even the start of every month is an opportunity for us to evaluate how much we have encountered God’s love and how we have shared the treasure of our light. May we, this year focus on our treasure-light bearing moments as our first reflections each day and each night instead of what was not or the burdens which we face. “Our light has come.” Let us walk in this light today (just as the magi did) and each day of 2021.


In closing for this first reflection of 2021, I share with you the heart-felt prayer of my dear friend and prayer companion Melita. Melita is an amazing child-care provider and continually allows herself to be in wonder and awe of God present. She crafted this prayer in the early part of New Year’s Day, it spoke to me and were the words I was looking for, I know they will be a blessing for you as well.

A Prayer of Reflection and Gratitude


Heavenly Creator,

I offer this heart song to you.

Hello New Day! Hello New Year! We’ve been expecting you … waiting for you. We wonder what you might have in store for us. Will you bring more of the same? Suffering, unrest, division, anger, fear? Yes, surely that is to be expected. The world we fell asleep in last night, is the same world that we woke up in this morning.

This morning we are still in a global pandemic. There is suffering due to natural disasters, racial and social injustice, and political corruption abounds … there is evil, violence, prejudice, and hatred throughout the world. Yes, same world … same burdens.

But what you offer, 2021, is a new hope. An opportunity to look at things with a fresh set of eyes, an open heart and helping hands … a new perspective. You offer a promise that as long as there is a new day, we have a chance to begin again.

So, on this New Year morning (in these early days of this New Year) that welcomed me with a spectacular sunrise, urging me to step out and forward into the day, on this glorious morning, I say Thank You!

Thank you, Divine Love, for the year that was …

– For the drive and motivation

– For the Divine Light that led me

– For the upset, pain, stress, that continues to strengthen bonds and carries us forward into new, loving ways of being

– For the incomprehensible, amazing, life changing, enriching spiritual movements that propelled me throughout this year

– For the technology that has kept us all connected during lockdowns

– For front line workers who have sacrificed and endured, and continue to do so, caring for the sick during the pandemic.

– For God’s Divine Love and Presence, ever strengthening, always enduring, and guiding

Thank you 2020, for the Holy Darkness that came and magnified the Light. It brought Love and the hope of a new day. Thank you, for the enduring, everlasting light that continues to bring promise and hope of a new day, into this New Year.

Let us not forget 2020. May we hold in reverence the pain and darkness that was encountered this past year and offer gratitude for the gifts of blessings and goodness that came into light.

Thank you, Glorious God – Loving Creator, Nurturing Mother.

In the name of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, I pray.



Happy New Year!

May we be brave enough to let the light fill all our days in 2021!

Happy Epiphany!

May the star also lead us to the crib of Christ and beyond, enlightening our steps forward.

Christmas Greetings 2020

– Br. Michael, ofm


This is the day the Lord has made;

let us rejoice in it and be glad.

For to us is given the beloved child most holy,

born for us along the way

and placed in a manger

because there was no room for him at the inn.

– Psalm 15, Psalms of St. Francis


The Friars and Staff

at Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre

send greetings of peace and good to all.

May you find moments of peace and joy

during Christmas 2020

and may much goodness be yours in 2021!


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The Peace of Bethlehem:

Through all the days of Christmas

and all the years to be,

may He Who came to Bethlehem

give peace to you and me.

– Brian O’Higgins






Advent IV: Love Propels Us Forward

– Br. Michael, ofm

A few years ago, a young friend of mine gave me a card during Advent. He had drawn it himself. On it were three mountains and bannering across the top in bold childhood writing was the word LOVE. That simple card triggered for me a reality check about how I was using the word love and how I was not. It also promoted me to make the word Love a more evident part of my prayers and reflections for the coming year. I had found that our culture uses love for everything from cars to pizza to sweaters to family and I was caught up in that. With our limitations on the word love we often fail to express ourselves well and this simple card awoke that in me.

That card crosses my mind again as we move into this final week of Advent and the coming feast of Christmas. The image of the mountains on that card remind me again that God’s love is present on our mountain peaks and also in our valley depths because no matter what we face or endure our hearts can “forever… sing of your steadfast love, O Lord” (Psalm 89). Love on our mountain peaks is easy to describe it is the family at table, the good news we are told and the celebrations of life. However, to sing and live out the steadfast love is not always easy yet our God is with us. When we endure a health crisis, live in a pandemic or stand at the edge of a grave it is hard to think of love bannering over us. When we flee a war-torn country, face the ugly reality of racism or defend the dignity of another it may be hard to think of love bannering over us. Yet it is in these dark valley moments that the banner drops and wraps itself around us with hope, courage and strength. Our hearts are softened as this love settles in and we again align with God’s love, which no matter the mountain top or valley depth is declaring goodness, offering comfort and encouraging us to live well.


Mary had to trust that love was in the message of the angel, she had to trust that love would win over Joseph’s worries, she had to trust that love would guide her as she freely declared “Here am I, the servant of the Lord” (Luke 1.38) This was trusting in the goodness, comfort, encouragement and strength of love. As we journey into these final days of Advent, amongst the chaos, uncertainties and this pandemic can we allow love to banner over us and be the road we walk to Bethlehem? Can we trust that love is the road of our heart leading to the crib of Christ? Can we with Mary trust that love is real and not some simple illusion or fix that commercials try and sell us? Can we with Mary say “here I am, I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord?”


Week Four of Advent is known as the Week of Love. May this final week of Advent awaken us to the truth of love. Where do you need to incorporate love into your daily living in these days ahead? Let that love be your guide to break through the demands of the week. The days are few, the weariness may seem overpowering but hope remains, peace breathes in us and joy lights the flame of our heart. May we walk boldly in love during these final days of Advent, in the coming season of Christmas and into 2021.


With an earnest heart

and childlike hope

be born in me I pray.

Be born in me I pray

your love made known

in my words and ways.

Seeking true light

kindled in me

be born in me I pray


Be born in me I pray

your very heart

made known each day.

Humility and openness

are the vessels I offer

be born in me I pray


Be born in me I pray

Christ Child you are welcome

each and every day.


Artwork: Claire Ziprick

Photo: Josiah Weiss



Advent Finale: O Antiphons

– Br. Michael, ofm

December 17-23 marks the Advent days of the O Antiphons. These Antiphons make up the verses of the Advent Carol “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” These Antiphons have been observed since the eighth century and are drawn from the ancient biblical images of the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. They repeatedly use the invitation “come” as a way to address the longing of the coming Messiah. Each of the seven days offers a title for the Savior (the first line of each antiphon).

Reflecting on these titles and inviting Christ to come into our heart each day, we offer these short reflections for the remaining days of Advent. We invite you into some moments of quiet in the days ahead. There is a brief reflection and questions for each Antiphon (the first stanza is the antiphon proper), there is also original artwork for you to enter into some moments of Visio Divina. Visio Divina means “sacred seeing” where we allow our hearts and imaginations to enter into the holy image and then in silence see what God is saying to us or inviting us to see. The ancient Latin title has been included for each of the days.

December 17 – O Sapientia

O Wisdom of our God Most High,

guiding creation with power and love:

come to teach us knowledge!

Yes, O Creative Wisdom, you stir in me new life

guiding me in your love, I trust you are walking with me.

Who has been a guide for me during 2020?

Where has God’s wisdom stirred my heart this year?

How is Divine Love inviting me into 2021?

December 18 – O Adonai

O Leader of the House of Israel,

giver of the Law of Moses on Sinai,

come to rescue us with your mighty power!

Yes, O Mighty Power, you draw near to me

for your power is in the intimacy of relationship which is the law of love.

Where have I seen God’s power in my life this past year?

Who helps me to see the intimacy of God’s love?

What needs rescuing in my life?

December 19 – O Radix Jesse

O Root of Jesse’s stem,

sign of God’s love for all people:

come to save us without delay!

Yes, Lover of All,

you remind me I have a story and history which is woven into yours

and connects me to creation and humanity.

What specific story in my life and in the world has reminded me about the connections of humanity this past year?

How am I nurturing the roots and branches of my faith?

Who do I need to express gratitude to, with our delay, for their story woven into my own?

December 20 – O Clavis David

O Key of David,

opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom:

come and free the prisoners of darkness!

Yes, O Great Gate Opener, you invite me into your kingdom

here and now as you encourage me to build with the gifts which are mine.

This past year has seen a lot of division, what do I need to do in my part of the world to help make all people one?

Who always offers me a warm invitation to be present and to share my gifts?

How will I open the gate to my heart in 2021?


O Radiant Dawn,

splendor of eternal light, sun of justice:

come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death!

Yes, O Light of Lights, you enlighten my heart and mind

with the depth of your life and love: born, died, and risen for me.

What darkness do I need to let go of as 2020 comes to an end?

Who offers me light for my daily living?

How do I shine God’s love into our broken world?

December 22 – O Rex Gentium

O King of all nations

and keystone of the Church:

come and save humanity,

whom you formed from the dust!

Yes, O Generous Creator,

you who form all in your generosity, transform me and raise me up

for I can not do this on my own.

What is my connection with creation and in being generative?

Who encourages me when I am lost in selfishness?

How do I feel about surrendering into God even more in 2021?

December 23 – O Emmanuel

O Emmanuel,

our King, and Giver of Law:

come to save us, Lord our God.

Yes, O God With Us, you are here and now,

you proudly call me one of your own

and guide me in your ways of love.

Who has shown God With Us to me this past year?

How does it feel to be aware of God’s love for me?

What am I being called to birth in the new year?

God O Life,

come to us

in these final days of Advent,

show us your light,

lead us in your ways

of hope, peace, joy and love,

so, as we enter into the

great feast of Christmas

we may carry these gifts

to our family, community and world

as you restore our awareness

that they always reside at our core.


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!


Artwork: Claire Ziprick



Advent III: Even Now – Rejoicing

– Br. Michael, ofm

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice” is the line from Philippians 4 which echoes in my ears over and over again. Rejoice always – even in all of this? Even in all that is going on? Even in restrictions and limitations forcing me not to enjoy some of the things I like best about this season? The answer “yes” is whispered in my ears; even in all of this and then some moments flood my heart.

A fresh snowfall and the beauty it offers. I rejoice in the gift of creation.

A request from a child for a snow angel to be made and I oblige. I rejoice in the gift of childhood delight.

A child’s prayer for our hearts to be softened for each other. I rejoice in the gift of prayer.

A birth of a healthy baby. I rejoice in the gift of life.

A brilliant prairie sunset filling the sky with warmth. I rejoice in the gift of the day.

A set of twinkling Christmas lights which I stop to enjoy. I rejoice in the gift of stillness.

I wonder if in these moments God is not offering reminders to be awakened again to simple joys, to rejoice in the many gifts all around and to evaluate the false joys which raid us of true rejoicing? A wise friend of mine recently declared: “Joy is an unexpected happening that brings me closer to health and wholeness. It is a gift.” How true, snowfall, snow angels, prayer, Christmas lights and so on are just some of the unexpected happenings which should stir our hearts. Where is joy touching our lives each day? Do we rejoice in these joys or do we simply brush them aside for later?

“Joy is the fruit of trust,” a retreat director shared. Trust requires a lot of courage and at the same time a surrendering. Trust allows us to see beyond our “if only” or “even in this” to the heart of life and the awareness of the “spirit of the Lord God” (Isaiah 61) upon us. We can see joy as this fruit in the lives of Elizabeth, Zechariah, John the Baptist, Mary and Joseph. They did not “quench the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 5) rather took courage in this trust, surrendering their all and in turn joy filled their lives and sustained them even the moments of “all of this”, restrictions, and things being taken from them. The spirit of the Lord was indeed upon these Advent heroes and it is also upon us. Each day we are called to trust, we are called to surrender, we are called to wholeness and we are called to rejoice in the gifts given to us. In doing so we in turn help to bring good news to the oppressed, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to captives and rejoice in the Lord’s favor (Isaiah 61); maybe even more so in all of this.

Can we trust enough so that the fruit of joy will penetrate our living in the days of this Week of Advent Joy? What is God awakening in you this week that is causing your heart to rejoice? Yes even in all of this.

Week Three of Advent is known as the Week of Joy. May this third week of Advent awaken us to true joy. Where do you need to incorporate joy into your daily living in these days ahead? Let that joy be your guide to break through the demands of the week.

O come, O come, Emmanuel

enter into my daily life,

walk with me; awakening me to you.

O come, O come, Emmanuel

help me see you in the now

guiding me and calling out to me.

O come, O come, Emmanuel

for you are my strength,

in peace you are my joy and hope.

O come, O come, Emmanuel

let the graces of your love settle in deep

extending to me the gift of you here.

O come, O come, Emmanuel.

Artwork: Claire Ziprick

Sunset Photo: Connie Baumgartner


Advent II: Breathing In Peace

– Br. Michael, ofm

Advent hues of purple, pink, magenta and blue fill the morning sky. As the moon set sends fading shimmers of brilliant light upon the land, these soft Advent colors emerge in the East as dawn begins to break. I pause. I breathe in, “Is this Advent peace?” I ask myself. I may be the only one noticing this moment in this way. My day ahead may be chaotic or not turn out as planned, but in this moment… right now… peace… fills me. Psalm 85 is the psalm for this Second Sunday of Advent and it seems to capture this moment of peace. The refrain declares “Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us salvation.” Then hidden in the verses this gentle line, “The Lord will speak peace to his people.” Yes, this brief moment of pausing in the dawning light is a reminder of God’s steadfast love which penetrates my very living and, in this love, I hear God’s peace spoken for me.

Advent peace is assurance of love in this demanding world. Advent peace is the gift of each breath; we simply need to pay attention. Advent peace is our heart and breath aligning with the promise of Emmanuel – God with us – always.

This season can easily rob us of peace with demands, false expectations, Hallmark perfection, binge distracting and this year with restrictions and social distancing. Yet, Advent peace is strong, it is resilient, it is braver than demands, binges or restrictions. It works its way through our cover ups and whispers to us: “look up, look beyond, look within.” When we listen to the whisper Advent peace offers a sunrise painted in gentle hues as we look up. Advent peace offers an invitation to let go, to forgive, to begin again as we look beyond. Advent peace offers us strength, resilience and bravery to face the daily challenges as we look within (God dwells this close).

Advent peace is a gift, breathe it in, now, in this very moment. Pause. Stop. Just be. Our days are full and our hours filled with noise. Pause. Turn it all off. Either in the morning hours or as the sunsets step outside – no cellphone, no cup of coffee in hand, just you (in a jacket and with mitts of course) and God (in all glory and goodness) … just be… breathe in peace. Pause. Say nothing. Do nothing. Just be, let God’s peace speak to your heart. As you inhale, breathe in the promise of Emmanuel – God with us. As you exhale, breathe out the peace of God which is filling you again and again. As we go forth into this Advent week, peace be in our breath, peace be in our bones, peace be in our doing and being.

Week Two of Advent is known as the Week of Peace. May this second week of Advent awaken us to peace. Where do you need to incorporate Peace into your daily living these days ahead? Let that peace be your guide breaking through the distractions of the week.




Welcome sustaining hope

you are always here

and yet in this season

you are again so near.


Welcome transforming peace

you gently encircle my aching heart

again, in this season

awakening me to do my part.


Welcome deep, profound joy

you stir my old ways to new life

in this season

loosening my bonds of strife.


Welcome everlasting love

you fill my day and comfort my night

may this season

see me embrace the gift of light.


Artwork: Claire Ziprick

Photo: Yannis Papanastasopoulos

Advent: We Walk in Hope

– Br. Michael, ofm

As Advent 2020 begins we may scoff at the idea of walking in hope. This has been a trying and difficult year and we do not have a sense of how Christmas will unfold or how the new year will begin. It is easy to lose sight of hope in the midst of this pandemic. Yet as followers of Jesus Christ hope is part of our DNA, it is written in fine print on our calling cards, it is the assurance that our God is with us – always, no matter what or when.

As we begin this short and sacred season, let us turn our attention to this hope. As we prepare our homes and our hearts during this season, let us seek hope in each day. The psalm for the First Sunday of Advent is Psalm 80 and it declares “Restore us, O God; let your face shine that we may be saved.” This is the gift of hope which is ours. It is the restoring hope of our God with us amid the tiredness of this year, the tasks at hand, the desire for specials moments in the season, the lifting up of a prayer and the reaching out to those struggling or hurting. It is the awareness that hope is not selfish, rather it calls us into relationship with God and others.

As this Advent begins and we long for the joy of Christmas to fill us, especially this year, let us linger in the hope of this season found in the message of an angel, in the carols we sing, in the quiet moments of prayer (even if only for two minutes while washing our hands again) and in the invitation to “Keep Alert. Keep Awake” (Matthew 13.33-37). Let us keep alert and keep awake for hope has away to sneak in to speak new truths and restore us, so that we too may shine like the face of God.

Week One of Advent is often called the Week of Hope, may this first week of the New Year (Liturgical) inspire you to set new goals, resolutions and restore your hope. Where do you need to incorporate Hope as we begin this New Year? The journey may feel long but it is always worth it.


In this season

we welcome sacred darkness

we also welcome patient light.


In this season

we prepare our heart and our home

and yet we are called to wait.


In this season

ancient carols and traditions find their place

inviting us into birthing newness.

In this season

our imagination is stirred

so are our prayers.

In this season

the rushing about here and there can hinder us

yet the gift of stillness always offers invitation.

In this season

we place our hope in the steadfast love of our God

who has come to us, is with us and will come again.

In this season

we are called to stand in awe and wonder

do we allow ourselves this gift?

Welcome Sister Advent!

Awaken us to your true gifts

as we walk in hope!

Artwork: Claire Ziprick