LENT 2021

We invite you to consider these retreats for your spiritual health this Lent.



Day Away – The Priceless Freedom of the Gospel

Wednesday, March 17

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

8:30 am Registration with Coffee & Muffins

$30 ($40 for private room)



Day Retreat – Charity of the Cross

Wednesday, March 31

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

8:30 am Registration with Coffee & Muffins

$30 ($40 for private room)



Twilight Retreat – Charity of the Cross

Wednesday, March 31

5:30 pm Registration with time for quiet reflection.

Supper at 6:30 pm



Current capacity is 15 retreatants.

Register early.



Stations of the Cross

We invite you to The Mount to walk our outdoor Way of the Cross

at any time during Lent. Please respect the health protocols in place.


Watch our website for a Virtual Way of the Cross.


To register for any of these Lent Retreats

please contact Deb at 403-932-2012

Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm



Lent I: In Our Midst – St. Francis of Assisi

– Br. Michael, ofm

Lent begins with a series of readings which are motivation after motivation. On Ash Wednesday we are reminded that “we are ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5.20). The following day we are told to “choose life so that you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30.19). Followed by the charge to “Shout out, do not hold back! Lift up your voice like a trumpet!” (Isaiah 58.1). Then on the Saturday after Ash Wednesday we read, “The Lord will guide your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden” (Isaiah 58.11). If we are not motivated by these acclamations from scripture, I’m not sure what will ever motivate us.

St. Francis of Assisi was one hundred percent motivated by Christ and the gospel. Story after story, teaching after teaching, encounter after encounter paved the way for Francis to see how his life was to be lived embracing the gospel and living it as a vowed life. Not all of us can be Franciscans but all of us can live the gospel. Christ was rooted in the wisdom of the Hebrew Scriptures and this helped shaped his stories and knowledge, which in turn shaped the gospel. How about us? What is shaping us? Are we being ambassadors for Christ? Are we choosing life? Lifting our voice (for good)? Are we a watered garden?

Lent challenges us with these questions. The same way that St. Francis was challenged to examine his life and choose a new path so he could live and not simply be another parched place. St. Francis continually brought his attention to Christ. In his struggles he threw himself before his Savior. In his joys in danced in delight before his Messiah. In his doubts he wrestled with Christ. In his freedoms he rejoiced with his Brother Jesus.

St. Francis reminds us that our lives are of value. Whether we give everything away like he did or we simply see how close God is in creation, Francis’ prayer “My God and My All” must also be ours. Lent is a time to realign our hearts with “My God and My All” especially if our all is becoming all too consuming of things and situations which are not life-giving, like a well watered garden. As we continue to face the reality of a pandemic world, St. Francis is a companion this Lent. Not only is his simple prayer of “My God and My All” a summary of the motivations we have heard in these first days of Lent, it challenges us to pay attention to our living and whose we are.

We are nearing the one-year mark of this pandemic and that is a tough anniversary to acknowledge. This Lent and St. Francis can provide us with a renewed focus of where are hearts are situated and how we can step forward.

Saint Francis says remember: “Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear no ignorance.” (Admonition 28.1). In others words attune our hearts to God, for God is love and we belong to this love.

Saint Francis says return to your inner light, remain focused on Christ. His prayer before the crucifix at San Damiano prays: “Enlighten the darkness of my heart and give me true faith, certain hope and perfect charity.” These are the gifts which enlivened the heart of St. Francis, which also must enliven our heart and fan the flame which it holds.

St. Francis says recall God’s love. Brother Thomas of Celano the biographer of St. Francis reflects that Francis thoroughly focused on the Incarnation and Passion of Christ so much that he only wanted these to be his focus. If we turn our attention to Christ present among us, for us and in us we too embrace the way of being an ambassador of Christ, choosing life, raising our voices and being strengthened in the way we preach the gospel. This will draw others into the well-watered garden of life.

As we move into the First Week of Lent 2021, still amid a pandemic, let us ask St. Francis to be our companion. Let us take to heart his words, “Your deeds may be the only sermon some people hear today.” Our world continues to need actions of hope, may we be motivated to be people of hope. The saints, the gospel, the love of Christ compels us (2 Corinthians 4.14) to do so.

Blessings on the Lenten journey.

St. Francis walk with us and pray for us.


Icon: St. Francis of Assisi

by C. Ziprick – Soul Sibling Studios ©






Lent 2021: In Our Midst

– Br. Michael, ofm

The Season of Lent is a time to remember, return and recall. I have heard those three words several times in my life. Last week when I heard them spoken by a colleague, I knew they were words spoken for this 2021 Lenten season.

Lent asks us to remember whose we are. Lent prompts a return to the inner light we each carry. Lent utters recall God’s love. Throughout this Lent Season, in the midst of the continued uncertainty of living through this pandemic I will offer reflections on Saints for our time. These women and men from many different walks of life and times in history can and do encourage us our Lenten journey.

Together let us journey with our Savior and some of the holy ones who remind us He is here in our midst.

Lenten Blessings of peace and all good.






If You Choose

– Br. Michael, ofm

You know those movies which have that perfect line at the perfect time and it either launches the movie forward, breaks open the message or sends us into a montage of the moments that make up this moment?

In the gospel of Mark, the story of the man with leprosy (Mark 1.40-45) would be one of those perfect moments. It would build to the moment when the man says to Jesus, “If you choose, you can make me clean.” Then when Jesus responds with “I do choose. Be made clean” cue the music, the intense gaze and montage. It really is a beautiful and powerful moment which is not a Hollywood moment rather an invitation for us.

“If you choose…”   “I do choose…”

These two short sentences are powerful ones and although only part of a larger scripture story they are also words of our story.

“If you choose”

I say to Christ time and again,

as if it’s a wish and as if my way is the right way.

“If you choose”

I say to Christ

not focusing on what I’m choosing and not focusing what is out of alignment.

“If you choose”

I say to Christ

almost in the sense of “prove it – show me” like a defiant stance.

Christ always responds, even if I don’t see how or where.

“I do choose”

Christ says time and again

with deep love, compassion and with endless mercy.

“I do choose”

Christ says focusing us as a beloved child of God

and being created in the image of God.

“I do choose”

Christ says with assurance of his lasting presence

and peace beyond the surface (and yet we often latch onto the fading surface).


When the man with leprosy came to Jesus and said, “If you choose, you can make me clean,” he came not with a wish rather with faith. I would like to think a faith that regardless of how Christ responded his life would be changed. He had to come surrendering his all, looking at what was trapping him and trusting in transformation. We struggle with this. I know I do. “How will Christ respond? What if I don’t want to surrender it all? What if my trappings are keeping me comfortable – and I like comfortable? What if transformation feels too big or freeing or beyond my limits?” These are the questions I ask. Then I start to change my question.

“If you choose, can you change me just a little bit, but not too much there? Make me clean as in like a quick shower so I can come back again and ask for another cleaning? Or how about just choosing for today?” It’s funny how we play tricks with our self when it comes to surrender, freedom and transformation. I know how I rework these gifts in my mind and settle for less rather than allow the fullness of Christ to penetrate my all. Regardless, Christ says, “I do choose” because he is for us. He Is not an obstacle or a hoop and loop to jump through and he is not a prize to be earned. He is for us, he is constantly saying, “I do choose. I do choose. I do choose.” His choosing also may be translated as:

“I am with you always until the end of the ages.”

Matthew 28.20

“As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.”

John 15.9

“Your faith has made you well.”

Mark 5.34


Christ chooses us time and again, it is his mission, his heart’s desire to continually have humanity and creation before him, to gaze on us with love. In choosing us he chooses to free us from all which binds us, to set captives free, to proclaim justice, to bring good news, to recovery our sight and affirm God’s favour with us (Luke 4.16-17).

Christ does choose and yet so often we choose not to hear or see. May our eyes be opened to the transforming power of the love of Christ. He chooses us time and again. May our hearts be softened and our fears surrendered. We are transformed and life is abounding when we see our new self made clean and set free.

I say to Christ “If you choose” and before I can finish the sentence Christ responds, “I do choose.”  Let us remember this generosity in how we respond to our sisters and brothers and creation this week.


Photo Credit: Claudio Schwarz Purzlbaum


Actions of Solidarity: Black History Month

– Br. Michael, ofm

February is Black History Month being recognized and celebrated in Canada since 1996. Although I wonder how much it has been recognized and celebrated. As a nation we must continue to work for all people of our land to be “glorious and free” as our anthem declares. This comes with education, dialogue, and participating in events that highlight the contributions of Black Canadians not just in February but at all times. It also means we recognize that our nation is knit together with people from all lands and places and woven with the ancestral threads of our First Nations Peoples.

There are many noteworthy Black historical figures who have paved the way for a more just and respectful society. We often think of names like Martin Luther King Jr., Harriett Tubman, Viola Davis Desmond or Rosa Parks. Rightly so these amazing people have brought to our attention our common humanity and dignity. I am not a Black man and can not speak to their history and experiences however I can appreciate it, learn from it and how it has influenced our world and the awakening for what is my part to do.

As I consider Black historical figures, I think of Black Saints. These men and women faced hardships and persecution but remained steadfast and faithful in the love of Christ. As St. Josephine Bakhita said: “I have given everything to my master (God): He will take care of me.” Josephine was a slave and for her to declare this statement is a testament of her trust in God. I’m sure she did give her all to her earthly masters but she saw beyond those limitations and trusted in the abiding love of God’s presence with her.

St. Josephine Bakhita – Feast Day February 8

“Who is the master of these beautiful things?… I had a deep longing to see Him, to know Him, and pay him homage…”

– St. Josephine

St. Josephine

you remind us that God’s beauty is present even when we are enslaved,

you inspire us to see this beauty in creation and in our brothers and sisters,

you encourage us to spend time with God and to give praise and glory for God’s constant beauty.

Pray for us.


St. Martin de Porres – Feast Day November 3

“There is no need to worry… Doesn’t God provide for the flowers of the field? He’ll take care of us as well.”

– St. Martin

St. Martin

you remind us to trust in God in all stages of the journey,

you inspire us to share of our selves for the good of all,

you encourage us to care for one another as a human family.

Pray for us.


Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman – No official Feast Day – Entered Eternal Glory – March 30

“What does it mean to be black and Catholic? It means that I come to my church full functioning… I bring myself, my black self, all that I am, all that I have and that I hope to become, I bring my whole history, my traditions, my experience, my culture…”

– Sr. Thea Bowman

Sister Thea,

you remind us that the church is the reality of “here comes everyone”,

you inspire us to see the cultures and gifts of each other, sharing them to build the kingdom,

you encourage us to appreciate each other as a whole and the uniqueness of each other as individuals.

Pray for us.


Venerable Augustus Tolton – No official Feast Day – Entered Eternal Glory – July 9

“I heard the words of St. John “prepare the ways of the Lord” and God gave me the strength to persevere… God is over us all, and has many blessings for (men) people of every race.”

– Fr. Augustus

Father Augustus,

you remind us that we are each called to persevere in preparing the way,

you inspire us to trust the strength that God has fused into us,

you encourage us to count our blessings.

Pray for us.


All Holy Men Women… pray for us.

During this Black History Month, I invite you to read a bit more about these amazing saints and many other Black Saints who have helped shape the church and brought truth about God’s love, freedom and mercy to our attention.

The quotes I share in this blog are from a book entitled: African Saints, African Stories: 40 Holy Men and Women by Camille Lewis Brown published by St. Anthony Messenger Press. A great little book for an encounter with amazing holy Black men and women from all generations.

As the song says:

Let us build the city of God.

May our tears be turned into dancing!

For the Lord, our light and our love,

has turned the night into day.


This is our prayer, indeed let us build together as we walk in the Light of Christ.


Photo Credits: Bing Images Search

Song: City of God – Dan Schutte

Vocation: Confidence and Endurance

– Br. Michael, ofm

“Do not, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. For you need endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.” Hebrews 10.35-36

These two verses from scripture caught my attention. I see them as speaking to each of us in our call to live out our vocation. Regardless if we are married, single, a religious sister or brother or a priest we need a confidence to endure the journey of a life and stay in tune with God’s will. All of us are consecrated at our baptism. This gift is embedded with confidence and endurance to “run and not grow weary” (Isaiah 40.31), to “shine our light” (Matthew 5.16) and “bear much fruit” (John 15.5). Each of us are called forth in baptism to be heralds of the good news and the way we live our lives is the greatest witness of this. I am mindful of my baptism as I reflect on my life as a religious brother. It is in this being incorporated into Christ at baptism that then calls me to live my vows and vocation in this specific way.

February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and also celebrates World Day for Consecrated Life. This year being the 25th Anniversary of this designation. A day marked in the Catholic Church to pray for and be mindful of women and men religious – sisters, brothers, priests and hermits along with those who belong to secular institutes and those who make private vows. It is in professing the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience that we live out the promise of our baptismal call in these specific ways.

In living as a religious brother, I am constantly called back to not abandoning the confidence which is mine. This is not about being prideful and boasting, it is rather an anchoring in Christ. My confidence is found in Him whom I pattern my life after by living the gospel. It is this same confidence in which St. Francis trusted when he heard his call to go and rebuild the church. He didn’t set out to become a founder of a religious order rather he was expressing this confidence and living with an endurance the will of God the best he could. St. Francis is quoted as saying near the end of his life, “I have done what is mine to do, may you now do what is yours.” This conviction is established in a confidence that Christ was at work in him, that he was a vessel of the Holy Spirit for his time and place and that the promise of life eternal was at the heart of how he strived to live his consecrated life.

As I continue on in this consecrated religious life, I like St. Francis, continue to adjust my focus to see and profess more clearly “My God and My All” in my daily living. If I make my vows and not live them out well, they become empty promises. If I squander the confidence I have in self-sustaining ways, then I am forgetting that my vows call me into relationship with others. If I trust in my will forgetting that God is at work in me, I am out of step with my heart. These are the challenges I face as a religious in making my living authentic, honest and true. The reward is not earthly treasures – although tempting. The reward is not even in trying to live like St. Francis. The reward is in listening and being present to God who dwells in me. It is in doing this that I can live my vows well, walk forward in confidence with endurance knowing that God’s will is at work in me and the promises God makes to me are always kept.

How do you see yourself as consecrated?

Who calls forth this gift in your life?

“The life of the body is the soul; the life of the soul is God.” – St. Anthony of Padua

Photo Credit: Marina Raspopova

Called to Follow

– Br. Michael, ofm

A retreatant recently told me a story about an experience he had in his youth. He worked as a camp counsellor at a summer camp. One of the camp staff was an older woman who walked with a limp and cane because of polio. As a way of contributing with her limited capacities she did the laundry for the camp. As a part of this duty, she washed and folded the laundry of the counsellors. The gentlemen who shared this story with me spoke of how she did this humbly but with great dignity. She left a note on the top of his clean laundry which read, “I prayed for you as I folded your clothes. As I folded your socks, I prayed that you would always walk with the Lord.” She also had other notes for each piece of laundry.

This story struck me for several reasons when I pondered the scripture for this Sunday. The psalm ascribed to this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is Psalm 25. It declares “Lord, make me know your ways, teach me your paths.”  The simple blessing of the folded socks is just this, to walk with the Lord is to constantly seek God’s ways. Not only did the laundry folder know this truth but the camp counsellor grew into this truth as he now walks with the Lord as a military chaplain.

Walking with the Lord is not necessary a call to ministry in the church but it is a call to “come and follow” Christ and be “fishers of people” (Mark 1.14-20). Each of us have this call extended to us and just like the woman folding socks, or the military chaplain we must respond. Responding in ways such as blessing others in their tasks, or offering ourselves for what we can do (especially when others deem us as unnecessary) is indeed a dignity of the call. By guiding others as they discover the paths of the Lord, or caring for children, or listening to a friend, or beginning again after what we thought was the path of life is taken out from under us are just a few more ways to responding to the call. We are called to place our trust in the One who calls our name and says “follow me” responding to Good News.

Psalm 25 also states “he leads the humble in what is right and teaches the humble his way.” The woman who folded socks all those years ago did so with humility. Not to gain any glory but rather to encourage another in his journey. Her work is given dignity in the way this story is told and in acknowledging the gift of blessing another for what is theirs to do. She too was a “fisher of people” by offering this blessing for the camp counsellor. She had trusted when Jesus called her and was responding to his call through the ways she could do so with her life. Do we? Do we respond to the invitation to “come and follow”? Do we offer blessings for others, encouraging them to walk with the Lord in his known paths? What is Christ teaching us about his path for this week? How will we respond?



we journey with you

for you are the way

and offer us the path of life.

You call us each day to

“come and follow.”

We are unsure how,

yet we desire to follow you.

Teach us your paths

and make known to us your ways

so, we too may be fishers with you

in our time and place.










Bearing Fruit

– Br. Michael, ofm


Nine months ago, I became part of an ecumenical prayer group. Our group of four meets online several times a week to pray together. Each gathering is a unique experience and expression of faith. The four of us come from four different Christian denominations and vary in age. This has enhanced our gatherings and the diversity of what it means to be Christian and Church. I think the four of us would each identify as seekers building on ancient traditions, practices and relying upon mystics both near and far, current and of history. We each bring a healthy curiosity to our prayer and dialogue. We also bring favorite authors and theologians who inspire the situations from which we come to prayer. One member is inquisitive, another reminds us of gratitude, and another helps us to linger in the sacred moments of silence. It is indeed rich and bearing fruit.

Nine months in we may not be birthing an ecumenical document or a guide to prayer, but we are birthing a common home for Christians from four walks of life. Together we tune into the Divine Love of our Creator God, the anchoring of our savior Jesus Christ and the continual promptings and nudges of the Holy Spirit.

I have been thinking about this gift of prayer in this group as we begin Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year the theme is “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (John 15.5-9).

This theme for Christian Unity is manifested in our prayer group. We abide in the love of Jesus Christ by trusting each other with our stories and inviting him as our common anchor. We abide in love as we voice prayers and concerns not just for each other but for our families, our communities, and our countries. We abide in love as the words of the prayers become balm for our weary hearts and inspiration for the work which is ours to do. When we abide in love, we then indeed bear fruit in the communities in which we live. We bear the fruit of open hearts for those we encounter. We bear the fruit of welcome and hospitality because we have offered it to each other. We bear the fruit of mystical hearts being transformed because the Spirit is binding us together as we bear witness to the divine love of our God at work and present in our lives.

These simple weekly gatherings of prayer are indeed a witness of God’s abiding love, bearing fruit for the kingdom. It also brings to mind the words of Jesus, “that all may be one” (John 17.21). Here we are four people from four different Christian heritages and we our bound together as one. Our common anchor of Jesus Christ makes us one. We don’t see the division of denominations as a hinderance. In fact, our differences have been one of the riches and is where the seed is being planted for more fruit bearing. I can’t help but wonder if this would not be the way to move forward with Christian Unity.

These prayer gatherings have also reminded me of my small rural town where I grew up. Ninety-eight percent of the community was Christian while I was growing up. In my hometown there are three Christian Churches and yes, we all went (and still do) into our own buildings to pray in certain ways on Sundays but yet were able to come together as a community to support each other. During feasts and festivals, burying the dead, supporting the needy, encouraging the youth and value the contributions of each towards the community and coming together at times to pray, mourn and celebrate. Is this not abiding in love? Is this not bearing fruit? If this not being one?

Too often we use Jesus as the dividing factor instead of the common anchor. Jesus isn’t just for me or just for you or just for them. When we do this, we divide Christ instead of building up his body. When we fail to acknowledge this and push our own agenda we fail to abide in love and bear fruit. It is time for us as Christians to appreciate our diverse heritages, to accept what we offer to the encompassing title of Christianity and to build the kingdom together as one with Christ Jesus as our cornerstone (Ephesians 2.20-21). This is the work of abiding in love and the benefits are fruit which will last, will be shared, and will be sustained. It is time… let us be united in the abiding love of Christ Jesus as our world continues to struggle, so together we all “shall bear much fruit.”

Photo credits:

Jose Alfonso Sierra

Maja Petric

Ben White

Mateus Campos Felipe







Baptism: The Treasure of the Beloved

– Br. Michael, ofm


Before and for ever after

Enduring presence is

Love’s gift to each of us

Offering assurance and dignity

Vast in generosity

Ensuring that each of us are

Declared as “Beloved Child of God”

At the baptism of Jesus, the voice of God states, “You are my Son, the beloved; with you I am well pleased” (Mark 1. 11).  This affirmation by God of Jesus is an affirmation that we in turn all receive for Jesus as “God with us” embodies our life. Our story is part of his story and his story is part of our story. Being declared beloved is a bold statement. It looks beyond our pettiness and struggles, it looks beyond our sinfulness and selfishness, it looks beyond our failings and shortcomings; looking directly at our inherent goodness. The goodness that we are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1.27) is a gift for each of us. This gift declares we are imitators of God (Ephesians 5.1) through the actions of loving one another as Christ has loved us (John 13.34) and in being a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6.19). Here we find ourselves at the centre of the lavish love of the Trinity. Yes, beloved indeed! Each one of us, not just Jesus but because of Jesus.

As Christmas fades to a memory and the New Year musters up speed and courage, we carry forth this gift of being beloved children of God. Christmas awakens us to the promise of God dwelling with us. This dwelling among us is not just for a day or a season but in the living out of our baptismal promises and life. We are the followers of the One born among us, born for us, living in the new kingdom where the cross and resurrection awaken us to the belovedness of each person. We are the followers of the One who loved, welcomed and healed and continues this today through us. We are the followers of the One who trusted, who bolded declared mercy and who we are sealed with in baptism. This can’t just be for a day or a season or in the best intentions as year begins but in the everyday and ordinary.

New Year resolutions come and go, well thought out plans seem to gather dust and our attempts to rise above the mundane seem to stumble. Regardless of all of this still our God remains with us and simply says, “Come and follow me, my beloved child.” As we lean into our belovedness and experience the generosity of our God, we in turn share this generosity – declaring how others too are beloved and valued. It does not matter where we come from, how big or little the bank accounts are, what the color of our skin is, the thrill or disappoint of leadership and governments or the skills and talents we have: beloved is beloved. In being beloved we too help others declare they are beloved. We must look at each other with the eyes of God, the heart of Christ and the openness of the Holy Spirit. This is the treasure (and dare I say responsibility) we carry, ponder and live because of our baptism.

Image: MRJN Photography





Epiphany: A Great Start to the New Year

– Br. Michael, ofm

Epiphany is traditionally celebrated on January 6, however various Christian sects celebrate it anywhere between January 3 and 19. This feast sometimes known as “Little Christmas” is a beautiful reminder of Christ – our Emmanuel – being made known to the world, through the visit of the magi. It also ushers in the dignity of our baptism and our call to be messengers of peace, hope and light. Both great reasons to continue to celebrate Christmas time!


Isaiah 60:1-6 is one of the scriptures ascribed to Epiphany. It is a rich text and reminds us of the light given to us in Christ and the light which we have been entrusted to carry. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” is how this text begins! What a great reminder as we begin this New Year. What a great reminder as we claim again who we are as God’s beloved children. What a great reminder that our God is indeed with us in the chapters of this year just unfolding.

365 opportunities, I was reminded on December 31, to share in God’s love and build the kingdom. Epiphany calls us to see that each one of us hold a treasure. The start of a New Year, even the start of every month is an opportunity for us to evaluate how much we have encountered God’s love and how we have shared the treasure of our light. May we, this year focus on our treasure-light bearing moments as our first reflections each day and each night instead of what was not or the burdens which we face. “Our light has come.” Let us walk in this light today (just as the magi did) and each day of 2021.


In closing for this first reflection of 2021, I share with you the heart-felt prayer of my dear friend and prayer companion Melita. Melita is an amazing child-care provider and continually allows herself to be in wonder and awe of God present. She crafted this prayer in the early part of New Year’s Day, it spoke to me and were the words I was looking for, I know they will be a blessing for you as well.

A Prayer of Reflection and Gratitude


Heavenly Creator,

I offer this heart song to you.

Hello New Day! Hello New Year! We’ve been expecting you … waiting for you. We wonder what you might have in store for us. Will you bring more of the same? Suffering, unrest, division, anger, fear? Yes, surely that is to be expected. The world we fell asleep in last night, is the same world that we woke up in this morning.

This morning we are still in a global pandemic. There is suffering due to natural disasters, racial and social injustice, and political corruption abounds … there is evil, violence, prejudice, and hatred throughout the world. Yes, same world … same burdens.

But what you offer, 2021, is a new hope. An opportunity to look at things with a fresh set of eyes, an open heart and helping hands … a new perspective. You offer a promise that as long as there is a new day, we have a chance to begin again.

So, on this New Year morning (in these early days of this New Year) that welcomed me with a spectacular sunrise, urging me to step out and forward into the day, on this glorious morning, I say Thank You!

Thank you, Divine Love, for the year that was …

– For the drive and motivation

– For the Divine Light that led me

– For the upset, pain, stress, that continues to strengthen bonds and carries us forward into new, loving ways of being

– For the incomprehensible, amazing, life changing, enriching spiritual movements that propelled me throughout this year

– For the technology that has kept us all connected during lockdowns

– For front line workers who have sacrificed and endured, and continue to do so, caring for the sick during the pandemic.

– For God’s Divine Love and Presence, ever strengthening, always enduring, and guiding

Thank you 2020, for the Holy Darkness that came and magnified the Light. It brought Love and the hope of a new day. Thank you, for the enduring, everlasting light that continues to bring promise and hope of a new day, into this New Year.

Let us not forget 2020. May we hold in reverence the pain and darkness that was encountered this past year and offer gratitude for the gifts of blessings and goodness that came into light.

Thank you, Glorious God – Loving Creator, Nurturing Mother.

In the name of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, I pray.



Happy New Year!

May we be brave enough to let the light fill all our days in 2021!

Happy Epiphany!

May the star also lead us to the crib of Christ and beyond, enlightening our steps forward.