A Prayer for Advent Week 3

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.”
– Luke 4.18

God of Joy,
Our hearts are lifted up
as the Advent days grow shorter,
for we know you are so near.

Your joy is bigger than smiles shared,
gifts given and homes decorated.
Your joy is the depth of the heart.
Your joy sustains us in trials and struggles.
Your joy is the rejoicing of the good and holy.
Your joy reminds us of your delight in us.

As we journey in this Advent week,
we trust your joy will meet us no matter the journey.
We trust your joy is transforming our hearts,
allowing us to let go of false expectations and gimmicks.
We trust your joy is at work in us,
in our tasks, our duties
and gatherings with others.

Your joy is echoed in the words of Mary,
as she declares your goodness in hearing
the invitation to do your will.

May we be attentive to your invitations this week.

May we also declare:
“my soul magnifies”
and “my spirit rejoices,”
trusting this will guide us
to the true joy
at the Bethlehem Manger.


A Prayer for Advent Week 2

“Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low.
The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth,
and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” – Luke 3.5-6

God of Peace,
Our world is so topsy-turvy
it always has been,
and yet you promise us
peace which is everlasting.

Our hearts may feel anything but peaceful
during this Advent time.
We have things to do,
people to see,
gifts to wrap,
and cookies to bake.
When our to do list grows too big
gently remind us
you came among us
to be our peace.

Your peace
is the deepest longing
in our heart.
Your peace
is what settles
our worries and fears.
Your peace
is always present
even when we do not know it.

As we settle into this season
may we be aware of those
who do not know peace and your peace:
those who are at war
and those who live in war zones,
those who are restless and disturbed
and those who feel helpless,
those who are isolated and alone
and those who are on the edge,
those who are hungry and homeless
and those who are seeking community.

Fill our hearts with your peace
so we may be messengers of peace
in our actions and in our words
in this season and beyond.

Your invitation to peace is the instrument
shaping our Advent path to the manger
where we meet the Prince of Peace.

Photo Credit: Joanna Kosinska

A Prayer for Advent Week 1 – Br. Michael, ofm

“Stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” – Luke 21.28

God of Hope,
The countdown Advent days have begun
and the frantic pace is settling in.
In these days of preparation when
demands seem more,
needs seem high,
and expectations seem otherworldly,
let us settle into hope.

Your hope, O God,
is not of gifts wanted,
chores done,
or cookies baked.
Your hope is about the movement of the heart,
how light settles into us this season,
and how we carry this light
as hope-bearers on the way to the manger.

In these Advent days
fill us with your hope, O God,
for it is the anchor of faith
and the response of love.
As each Advent day disappears
may we be renewed
as pilgrims on the way
to the Bethlehem crib.

Guide us, O God,
in your ways of hope
so, the frantic pace
may know moments of pause,
the demands
gain perspective,
the needs
met with kindness,
and the expectations
seen in perspective.

In this Advent season
we will gather with family and friends
in these moments
stir up in our hearts
which leads us to the manger (not the malls)
where we will meet the Child
– our true and lasting Hope.



Photo Credit: René Porter


A Prayer for the Week of Christ the King

Christ the King,

a humble servant,

a faithful companion,

a hope bearer

you truly show us

what it means to be a king.


Christ the King,

you who are

The Way

The Truth

The Life

guide us in the ways

of your kingdom.


Christ the King,

as this year draws to a close

instill in us your peace,

pour on us your mercy,

fill us with your love,

so we may be builders with you

of your everlasting kingdom.


Christ the King,

in a world which seems so uncertain,

guide us in kingdom actions,

so your kingdom may come here in certainty,

knowing it is solid and secure.


Christ the King,

we come to you with hearts full of praise

today, tomorrow and forever.













To Contemplate Sister Death

During the month of November, we are invited to remember deceased loved ones. It is good for us to call to mind those who have journeyed with us and those who have impacted us. We may recall those we miss dearly because their death is still fresh in our minds or those we miss who have been gone for so long already. We may also call to mind those who have died in wars or natural disasters. Calling to mind these people and praying for them is a gift and way which holds us together as the Communion of Saints – the Body of Christ.


St. Francis reminds us death is our Sister and is the portal into the fullness of life in God. We need not fear death, rather we can contemplate it and all its mystery.


My good friend Adam Thom has written a beautiful piece which speaks to the mystery of death and the holiness of it. Adam has a personal and deep encounter with death, his reflections come from this lived experience. I think it speaks to each of us who also have had this encounter. I invite you to slowly read this piece and let it sit in you. Come back to it again over the weeks ahead. There is so much in his words and images. Consider your loved ones gone before you and your own journey.


I am grateful for Adam’s permission to share this writing. Adam is a talented writer, thinker and photographer. You can check out his work at: https://adamthom.substack.com/


May all the faithful departed rest in peace.

May perpetual light shine upon them.


Ode to June

by Adam Thom

One day I will cease and no longer be.

My corpse will rot, return to the dirt

—for it is from the dirt by which I come.


I will no doubt be forgotten


more and more with each passing day.


The day will come

when I will draw my last

and give my last breath.

My eyes will gaze at someone’s face

once more with love,

and then—not one glance more.

I will look

into the deep caverned eyes

of one I love,

and in blinking once more,

will not for a second more.

I will hear

the gentleness of a morning breeze

that will eventually cease

—and in that silence,

when the echoes of the wind

continue its course,

my whole life will flash by.

The silence will come

—though it already is

and in certain moments,

I hear it and yes even see it

—and in it,

I am taught to give up my life.


—the eternal teacher of my life.

The teacher that gazes on me

through the silence of everyone

and everything.

The silence of others’ lives

meeting the silence of mine.

The silence will come,

perhaps unannounced,

wrapping me in its mantle,

and I will exist truly,


and fully


in the hearts

of all.

I will once and for all

be asked to die

to the last things that I hold dear:

images of life;

of faces I’ve known and seen,

voices too familiar to forget,

the memory of wandering strangers

that I have passed by, though,

by some mysterious grace,

whose faces have never left me.

All of this

—for all of its beauty and goodness—

will be surrendered

at the feet of Silence,

and in silence,

perhaps, only then will I be whole;

who I was made to be;

truly and fully alive.

The particular will always exist but

as one in the mantle of silent hands,

through which, in the end,

we will all be born.

In the twilight of my life,

I will thank all in silence,

pray for all in silence,

and love all in silence.

For the first time,

I will be a full member

of the human race;

of God’s children, God’s creation,

God’s Beloved—

raptured in the Silence that is Love.

I will no longer speak of “God in my world”,

but will understand for the first time,

perhaps just how much it has always been,

“I in God’s world”

—But no, I will no longer speak—

for I will be silent;

in awe and wonder

at the infinite

beauty and mystery

that is true Life.


In shock at my poverty

as a child,

as a creature,

as a being

—I will have no more to say,

because my whole life was spent

trying to say it all,

and finally

the Silence of such Mystery

will silence me once and for all,

and I will surrender

into it’s silent and loving hands;

freely, lovingly, and happily,

finally at the cusp

of all that matters,

all that truly is,

and all that,

in the end,

will remain





Photo by: Adam Thom












We Remember Carrie Stoesz  

We Remember Carrie Stoesz
It is with profound sadness we share the passing of Carrie Stoesz.
Carrie was the long time musician for Sunday Mass at Mount St. Francis.
Her love of music and desire for music to help people pray added to each retreat weekend. Thanks to Carrie, retreatants were always sent off with a tune of praise in the their heart. We are very grateful for her gifts shared here at The Mount.
We ask you to please remember Carrie and her family in your prayers.
May Carrie and all the faithful departed rest in the mercy and peace of God.


Carrie Stoesz Obituary – Calgary, AB (dignitymemorial.com)









At Thanksgiving    

As we celebrate our 75th Year of Retreat Ministry there is much for which we give thanks.

On this Thanksgiving Weekend we invite you to join us in giving thanks for many blessings.


Litany of Thanksgiving:

Almighty God,

from whom comes every good and perfect gift,

we lift up our voices in thanksgiving:


For all the gifts You have bestowed upon us,

For the life You have given us,

For the world in which we live,

For the beauty and wonder of creation, we say:

Thank you, O God!


For the work we are empowered to do,

For the beauty and bounty of the world,

For seed-time and harvest and the varied gifts each season brings,

For all that is gracious in the lives of women and men, we say:

Thank you, O God!


For laws which advance justice and equality,

For education which enhances life through the arts and sciences,

For minds to think, hearts to love and hands to serve, we say:

Thank you, O God!


For prophets and seers who are open to the Spirit,

For all lovers and helpers of humanity,

For endless opportunities to help those in need,

For occasions of rest and relaxation, we say:

Thank you, O God!


For the brave and courageous, who are patient in suffering,

For our families, friends, staff and benefactors,

For food which nourishes us, we say:

Thank you, O God!


Above all, for the great mercies and promises given

to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, we say:

Thank you, O God!



Blessings of much peace and goodness to you this Thanksgiving,

we are grateful for your continued support and presence.


From the Friars and Staff at Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre

Happy Thanksgiving!










Feast of St. Francis of Assisi 2024: Trust, Believe and Rebuild     

                                   – Br. Michael, ofm

Saint Francis of Assisi, just say his name and it evokes different images, encounters and prayers. People the world over recognize this saint, our founder, and connect with him. They are inspired and encouraged by this medieval saint. Our own bishop of Calgary chose this day a year ago to launch the renewal process for the diocese and again chooses this year to launch year two of the Diocesan Renewal. Saint Francis captures the attention of many, because he points to Jesus and challenges us with the famous tagline, he heard from the cross, “Go rebuild the church.”

This sense of rebuilding can only take root in each one of us if we consider this saint not as an icon set aside but a common man set in motion open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This common man who was so in love in with Jesus the Christ; he saw him in the leper, in his brothers and in the church. This common mas who was in awe before God because God had created all as siblings calling them to return praise to God.

This common man, this saint, this brother of ours invites us to pay attention to the here and now. As the church enters the final stages of the Synod on Synodality, as we prepare for the 2025 Jubilee, as we mark centenaries of the Franciscan world, and in this diocese continue the Renewal Process, Saint Francis calls us to rebuild the church sharing who we are, what we offer and to do so in union with each other both the least and the great.

The often-unheard text from Sirach (Sirach 50.1,3-4, 6-7) evokes the image of St. Francis rebuilding the church. We can easily imagine him holding up the church in the dream of the Pope. The Pope knowing he must respond and not simply let it pass by. Do we ever consider how we rebuild the church by the way we rebuild our lives in each season?

In each season of life we must choose to continue to build on the foundation who is Jesus. Francis did this, and in doing so he was able to say, “I have done what is mine to do… may you do what is yours.” He built and then continually rebuilt his foundation on Jesus.

This building and rebuilding comes with the responsibility to “carry the marks of Jesus branded on my body,” as St. Paul says (Galatians 6.14-18). “To carry the cross” knowing in each trial, in each burden, and in the weight of the cross, there is also the hope of the Paschal Mystery. When Jesus calls those who are weak, wearied, and burdened; when he gives God praise for those who see with simplicity and don’t loose sight of their childlikeness we are invited into the movement of the Paschal Mystery and the life of the resurrection. We can see these movements in the life of St. Francis. He both delighted and was frustrated with brothers returning from mission, his time spent sharing with St. Clare, a Christmas moment at Greccio, the caves and crevices at La Verna, his Canticle of Creatures bursting from his lips, in his desire to know Christ so intimately so as to be branded with his wounds and his desire to be laid naked on the naked earth as he died speak to the renewal of the Paschal Mystery. These movements in the life of this common saint are invitations for us to consider how we also rebuild the church. Francis had to learn it was not a physical rebuild rather this rebuilding is about being relationship with fraternity, the ordinary and Jesus the Christ. So do we.

St. Francis trusted in the words of Jesus, he lived the gospel and calls us to do the same. If we consider the gospel for this feast (Matthew 11. 25-30) paying attention to the words of Jesus, we know St. Francis trusted and believed Jesus was present to him in his weariness and burdens and was revealing to him a way to live. He may not have known in full what this all meant and yet he believed he could reveal Jesus to the world. Do we? Do we trust and believe we also reveal Jesus to the world? On the good days yes, on the challenging days maybe not so much…regardless of where we are today let us trust we are met and renewed with the same love and presence of Jesus the Christ. Let us trust and believe our Brother Francis points the way to this moment and each moment of rebuilding which follows.












Entering Autumn      

                                   – Br. Michael, ofm

The Autumn Equinox with its equal balance of light and darkness calls us to consider:

  • What is out of balance in our life?
  • What light do wee need to carry with us into the darkness?
  • What are we harvesting during this autumn?
  • What are we preparing to let go of or let be dormant for a season?


As the season of autumn and harvesting unfolds, we become attentive to moments which have slipped passed. We honour them and release them to God.

As we enter this autumn time, we take note of the changes in weather and colour. We pause to ponder what changes we are facing.

As day light lessens, we cherish the gift of light a bit more. We contemplate how light meets us and how we let our light shine.



in this season

help us to be attentive,

guide us with clarity

and freedom to release.



Photo Credit: Tim Gouw










Annual Blessing of Pets

In the Spirit of St. Francis of Assisi

The Franciscan Friars and Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre

invite all pets and their owners to the

Annual Blessing of Pets

Sunday, October 6, 2024


Visit the grounds and Retreat Centre 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm.


Blessing Ritual at 3:00 pm.

West side of Retreat Centre near the Statue of Saint Francis.


Pets must be leashed or in a crate.



41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, AB


403-932-2012 or mtfrancis@shaw.ca