Awakened to the Generous Peace of Christ 

                       – Br. Michael, ofm

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” – John 14.27


“I do not give to you as the world gives.” This one little line echoes in my ears and I am grateful. I am grateful that the generosity and peace of Christ are beyond what I imagine and beyond the attempts that we try to establish. Our efforts in living a Christian life are always a desire to reflect Christ, which in itself is noble and worthy. Beyond our noble and worthy attempts and efforts I believe the true generosity and peace of Christ which is refining and purifying is woven into the ordinary. I believe that we catch glimpses of it in our daily lives.


Where have you encountered the generosity and peace of Christ?

On a walk? Watching the trees bud out?

Pausing in prayer? Listening to a friend?

At table? Reading scripture? Sipping tea?

Making a pot of soup? In music? With a hug?


Our God comes to us in the ordinary so that we may begin to understand that the giving of God which is beyond our comprehension is indeed a daily encounter. One which leads to peace. One which allows us to let go of the troubles we so often let consume our hearts. One which reminds us that fear is not to be our ordinary rather peace hope, transformation and new life are our norms.


Christ Risen is among us, offering God’s peace and assuring us his Spirit continually awakens us to these blessings. Let us be attentive this week.



































Echoes of the Good Shepherd

Br. Michael


Who doesn’t feel better, knowing there’s someone there who cares for them?

-Siegfried Farnon, All Creatures Great and Small


All Creatures Great and Small is based on the true story of a young vet in England in the 1930s. I discovered the current television remake of this show on PBS (thank you PBS) a year ago and have enjoyed both seasons (with my Mom) so far. The simple and yet touching stories of community, relationships, creation, and of the characters moving beyond fears, expectations, and judgments have been like comfort food.


The quote from Siegfried, the patriarch of the family, seems to echo the words of Jesus, the Good Shepherd in the gospel of John (10.27-30). There is great comfort in hearing a familiar voice, in being known and knowing we do not walk alone. Who doesn’t like to be cared for and known? This is the gift Christ offers us time and again. Over the course of the two seasons of All Creatures Great and Small, each of the characters has come to discover the gift of being cared for, being reassured by a loving voice, and also being challenged to grow and trust in the unity that makes them a family and community. It echoes the Good Shepherd present with us in our living and being, assuring us and caring for us.


Siegfried’s quote also reminds me of the encounter I have had in being a child. I have been privileged to have a Mom (and Grandmas) who have exuded care my whole life. They have been echoes of the Good Shepherd by lending their voice to life-giving words, encouragement to live in life-giving ways, and have shown me how to live in the Way, the Truth, and the Life which is promised to us. It is because of this that I have been able to live out my vocation and hopefully encourage others to live out theirs. As we honor mothers and those who are like mothers to us, I am very much aware of the gift of being cared for and the great sacrifice that takes, it is indeed an echo of Christ the Good Shepherd.

Photo Credit: Rod Long




































The Abundance of a Resurrection Breakfast

Br. Michael

If someone were to come up to me on the street to do a survey on scripture and ask me: “What is your favorite Easter gospel story?”


I would respond “John 21.1-19” – the post-resurrection breakfast on the beach.


Why is this my favorite gospel story? There are three reasons which stand out for me as I reflect on this gospel this Easter Season:

  1. Christ meets us in our ordinary routines.
  2. Even if we return to familiar patterns Christ meets us there and calls us to new life again and again.
  3. The hospitality of Christ is an abundance that leads to mission.


In our ordinary living, Christ is here and present… there is no place that he can’t be, I believe that sometimes this can stun us. What do you mean Christ can meet me at the sink full of dishes, the lonely night on the couch, the walk through the park, or as I fold the laundry or mow the lawn? Well, if our Savior could meet Peter on the other side of the resurrection in his comfortable space of fishing, I think it is safe to say that he will meet us in our ordinary routines.

I have always been intrigued that Peter and this crew of disciples went fishing. Maybe to deal with the grief and shock, or maybe as a place to process the fact that Jesus had appeared to them alive at least two times before this. I know I have spaces that I like to be when I need to process and work through stuff; regular ordinary familiar spaces to me… just like Peter on the fishing boat.


So, in the ordinary, whether broken or healed, seeking or centered, Christ meets us there and invites us to life. It is here in this invite to come and have breakfast with Jesus, something so familiar, that Peter is invited into new life.

In this resurrection gospel – Jesus doesn’t say, “Hey guys, cooked you some fish after your long night of not catching any, come and get it whenever you get a chance.” No, rather, he invites, “Come and have breakfast” they gather, they sit down, and they enjoy a meal. I can only imagine, stories shared, laughter echoing off the lake, questions surfacing, uncertainty trying not to be noticed. Jesus doesn’t freak out on them and say, “guys… really… you went fishing, after all, I have shown you, after my resurrection, you went fishing.” No, he meets them in that moment and then invites them to be aware of the familiar patterns, the ordinary of life, and pay attention to that he is transforming that with new life – with the abundance of God’s goodness, mercy, and deep love.

When Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him, it’s not about punishment or mockery, it is about depth. The depth of how abundant Christ’s love truly is. It is about this abundance of mercy which Christ pours into his life and then sends him forth… feed my lambs, feed my sheep. That invitation to Peter was not just for Peter, it is for all of us.

What is the last thing Jesus says to Peter in this post-resurrection gospel? “Follow Me!” Those two words probably rang in Peter’s ears when he heard them at the breakfast on the beach, for they were the same two words in which Jesus first invited him to new life, some years earlier. “Follow Me!” Jesus was saying to him: “You followed me in preaching, teaching, and healing, you followed me to the cross, and even though you denied me, still I invite you to follow me in this new life, this transformed life that meets you in the ordinary and asks you to trust that the abundance of God does as Psalm 30 proclaims… “raise me up.”

Consider how this moment impacted Peter and transformed his life, for as we hear in the Acts of the Apostles (5.28-41) how the apostles were witnesses to Christ and rejoiced in being able to claim the name of Jesus. That can only happen from a transformed heart that focuses on the “wisdom, honour, blessing and glory” (Revelation 5) that is Christ meeting them in the ordinary moments of life and transforming them so that they and we also can hear Christ say, “come and follow me”

My dear friends, we are people of the resurrection. We have inherited new life and are called to live it out. Each new day we are invited to begin again, to encounter Christ and see where he is inviting us to dine with him and how he is calling us to break the fast, to be reminded that he dwells so close to us.

Jesus was a great host, including everyone always and extending invitation to even those who choose not to embrace his message of life. There is strength, vulnerability and freedom in sharing a meal with each other. We are reminded of this each time we gather at the Eucharistic table and hopefully each time we gather at our own tables… even if it is by ourselves. We are always invited to dine with our Risen Lord. The Eucharist is the steady invitation to join him again and again and be nourished for the new paths and new realities which are ours. Then the thrice questioned Peter about his love awakens in us the depth of how intimately Jesus desires to be in our lives. He does not see us by our weakness or sinfulness rather he sees us created in love, made of divine light with the capacity to love and make known his love as we feed his sheep.

Peter and the disciples’ story intersect with my story and with yours, as our reality is transformed, our invitation to dine with the Bread of Life is real and our call to love is about life here and now not just on a beach by the Sea of Tiberias.

There is a quote at the front door of my parent’s home. It is a German and Dutch proverb: “Hospitality is freedom and friendship for the guest.” Is this not the abundant hospitality of our triune God? That we are invited into this freedom and friendship each day as the beneficiaries of this hospitality is indeed a great gift in being people of the resurrection. It is the hospitality of Christ that says to us, “come and dine and come and follow me.”


Risen Lord

The gift of Your resurrection

is the abundance of our lives.

Thank You for being present

and for constantly calling us too more

because You love us more than we realize.

Risen Lord you are our all and you invite us to

encounter you again today.



Photo credits: Paul Szewczyk and Clayton Holmes

































Snapshot: Easter Hope

Br. Michael

When life feels like it is in shambles,

when it feels broken, tattered, and torn,

when we feel perched on the edge

wondering what is next,

if there is a tomorrow…

hope is always cradled within,

resting secure,

held by love,

held by the promise,

of new life.

Hope breaks free

from the limitations of life,

inviting us to rise up,



God of Easter,

your love never dies

leading us through the valley of death

into an authentic new life.


As we begin the festival of Easter

may our hearts know

they are always cradled

where hope lives

and that we too

rise to new life

for your love

holds us secure


Amen. Alleluia!


Easter Blessings




























Easter Weekend at Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre

Easter Weekend at Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre

Many people have come in pilgrimage over the years to pray the Way of the Cross during Holy Week, especially on Good Friday.


Individuals and small groups who wish to come to the Mount during the Triduum (Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday) to pray the Way of the Cross are welcome to do so. If you do come to pray outside, please dress appropriately, especially wearing proper footwear. The trails may be slippery.


There are two trails for the Way of the Cross.

Trail 1 is on the South side of Retreat Road across from the main entrance to the Mount. It makes its way up the hill looping down just past the start point.

Trail 2 is across the West lawn on the North side of the property. It makes its way down the ravine in a loop.



Please be mindful of parking and pedestrians in the parking lot.

Please ensure that no garbage is left on the grounds. Garbage Bins are available.

Please respect the quiet and peace of the Mount.


For Good Friday and Holy Saturday Washrooms only will be available at Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre. The Centre itself is closed for the Easter Triduum, please check out local church websites or for Triduum Mass Times.


Easter Triduum Blessings

During these Holy Days,

we remember

feet washed and a meal shared,

an angry mob, a cross carried,

the Son of Man crucified and buried,

that death is not the end of the story.

Our God is a God of surprises!

We walk by faith and not by sight alone,

seeking Christ in the midst of life,

planting our hope in Him who lives.


Peace and All Good to you!

Easter Blessings and Greetings from the Friars and Staff at Mount St. Francis.


























Snapshot 6: Holy Week – Encountering Christ in the Everyday 

                – Br. Michael ofm

Love gazing on the loved

The loved gazing on Love

Mercy overflowing

Known in my anguish

A place of refuge

Hope restored






God of Every Heartbeat,

your love is present in our living,

made known in the love of your Son.


The cross is our strength,

and the way which leads to life,

may we be more aware of this gift

in the encounters during this Holy Week.




Photo Credit: Dmytro V.

(Lviv, Ukraine)


















Snapshot 5: Not Condemned

– Br. Michael, ofm


As I rise up

in the morning light

the voice of God

catches my attention.


I am not condemned,

rather I am sent

to go in the way of life,

a new person,

my sinfulness left behind.


Scripture Inspiration: John 8.1-11



God of Love,

so often I feel caught up in my sinfulness,

and yet each time I feel trapped

you write on my heart:

“You are not condemned.”


May I carry this message into my living

so as not to condemn others

rather to be an encounter of your mercy.




Photo Credit: Melita F.

(Lake Ontario, Grimsby Lake Front)






































Snapshot 4: True Prodigal Freedom


– Br. Michael, ofm



from moonrise to moonrise

we all seek freedom.

We must look into our living, asking ourselves:

where am I squandering my freedom?

where am I stealing freedom from others?

when am I truly free to taste and see God’s goodness?


The Prodigal Father,

The Prodigal Son,

The Elder Son,

each ask us to seek true freedom,

freedom found in the

compassion and mercy of God

which is good, very good.





Scripture Inspiration: Luke 15, Psalm 34






God of Freedom,

this season of Lent speaks to us of your prodigal love

and how your love is the gift of true prodigal freedom.


As we continue into the middle of this Lent open our eyes to see clearly

the true freedom which you offer us from sunset to sunset

and how we can embody the goodness of this freedom

with actions and words of compassion and mercy.




Photo Credit: Cadence H.

(R.M. of Chester, SK)


































Snapshot 3: Love Bears Fruit


– Br. Michael, ofm


Your name forever,

O God,

is that of love.

Even when we

masquerade it

or perverse it

you remain faithfully


you who are

love and mercy in abundance

from one generation to the next.



You call us to bear fruit,

for we are planted in you.

When we fail to do so,

you tend to the plant of our life

and once again give us the chance

to bear fruit in love

for eternally you are



God, the great I AM,

you know us each by name and love us beyond our knowing.

In these Lenten days and challenging times

guide us in your ways of love and mercy

so, we may bear fruit of love and mercy in this hurting world,

trusting that you are with us now and in generations to come.




Scripture Inspiration: Exodus 3.1-8a, 13-15 and Luke 13.6-9






Photo Credits:

Claire Z., Collingwood Cove, AB

John V., Edmonton, AB

























Lent 2022

Lent 2022 at

Mount St. Francis Retreat

41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane



Twilight Retreat – After the Winter Slumber

March 22  – 6:00 pm

Registration at 6:00 pm, Supper at 6:30 pm

Evening includes a guided reflection, time for quiet, and prayer.




Day Away – Life-Giving Spirit

April 6 – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Registration at 8:30 am with Coffee and Muffins.

Day includes presentation, quiet reflection, Eucharist, noon meal and prayer.



Holy Week Retreat: Charity of the Cross –

A Woman’s Mercy, A Man’s Help: The Call of the Cross

April 13 – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm   or   6:30 – 9:00 pm


Guided by St. Francis and St. Clare’s love of the cross this Holy Week Retreat

provides the opportunity to enter into the Paschal Triduum with hope.

Retreat includes a guided reflection, time to walk the Way of the Cross,

the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation,

thoughtful activities, time for quiet and a delicious meal.



Day Retreat begins with 8:30 am Registration. Coffee and Muffins served.

Twilight Retreat begins with 5:30 pm Registration. Time for quiet until supper.




To register: 403-932-2012

Monday-Friday 9 am – 4:30 pm