Into the Deep

                 – Br. Michael, ofm

Inspired by Luke 5.1-11 and Simon Peter.

Put out into the deep,

Jesus, you ask me to trust.

Put out into the deep,

Jesus, you call me to respond.

Put out into the deep,

Jesus, you encourage me from the familiar.


I am amazed, Jesus,

at what my life produces.

I am amazed, Jesus,

at the bounty in my life.

I am amazed, Jesus,

at the places where I’m sent.


Jesus, I fall down at your knees

knowing I am sinful.

Jesus, I fall down at your knees

knowing your mercy is great.

Jesus, I fall down at your knees

knowing you see things differently.


Do not be afraid, you say,

so, I slowly let go of control.

Do not be afraid, you say,

so, I trust, surrendering my all.

Do not be afraid, you say,

so, I choose to follow you.


Put out into the deep,

I trust my life offers a bountiful catch.

Put out into the deep,

I know the support of others.

Put out into the deep,

I can only do so with you, Lord.


Photo Credit: Touann Gatouillat Vergos