Outside Booking
Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, CanadaOutside Booking
Outside Booking
Living in the Spirit (added fee for presenter's costs) Maxima Arat 403-836-6873 maxima.arat@yahoo.ca Doreen and Patrick Coffey 403-969-0966 coffeypd@live.ca Mixed Retreats
Outside Booking
Twilight Retreats
Twilight Retreats
Teresa Grice 403-329-8967 teresa.grice2@alumni.uleth.ca Jane Williamson 403-857-8000 janewilliamson9729@gmail.com Women’s Retreats
Our program includes dinner at 6:30 pm followed by a presentation, silent meditation and a closing reflection. Registration is at 6:00 pm. Lenten Twilight Retreat – Tuesday, March 12
A Day Away Retreats (Wed) Pilgrims of Prayer. This retreat includes prayer reflections, Eucharist, lunch, private room (optional) and quiet time. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. October 9, November 13, December 11, January 15, February 12, March 12, April 16, May 7. Day Away Retreats
Women’s Serenity Stephanie d. 403-650-3067 stephanie.desouza@shaw.ca Michelle M. 403-483-8454 michellemay8454@gmail.com
Trent F., 403-803-1444, trent.foley@contractpro.ca Ron P., 403-797-1957, purseyron@hotmail.com Greg B. 780-686-7399 grbabiuk@gmail.com Serenity Retreats