Women’s Retreat, Friday to Sunday

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Cathy Pamer 403-274-3217 Erina Leiva 403-397-7715 emheffernan@shaw.ca Women's Retreats

Men’s Retreat, Friday to Sunday

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Ken Moen 403-888-8833 kenmoen19@gmail.com Ken Moen Sr. Hm.403-527-0270 / C.403-866-1270 kmoen@telus.net Cliff Richards 403-827-6683 cliff.richards@shaw.ca Men's Retreats

Outside Booking:

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Outside Booking: June 14-16, 2024

Outside Booking:

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Outside Booking: June 17-21, 2024

Men’s Retreats: Soul Care CANCELLED

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Soul Care Soul Care for Men Tuesday 6 pm –  Thursday, 2 pm Cost: $385 There may never have been a more challenging time in our culture for men to do soul work or to live into manhood in ways that are healthy, vital and constructive. As our society flees from religion and as our […]

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Outside Booking: July 12-14, 2024

Outside Booking:

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Outside Booking: July 12-14, 2024

Women’s Retreat: SOUL CARE Tuesday 6 pm –  Thursday 2 pm

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Tuesday 6 pm –  Thursday, 2 pm Cost: $385 includes accommodations, meals, resources and presentations Sharing in time with  the contemplative practices of story, music, poetry and prayer, being invited into creation and paying attention to our heart and each other will guide this retreat. Prayer and Eucharist with the Franciscans. Facilitated by Singer-Songwriter, Retreat […]

UPDATED – Brother Sun – Sister Moon: FRIDAY,

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

A full-day outdoor retreat beginning at 9:00 am. This retreat includes a walking-pilgrimage, an outdoor Mass, eco-friendly reflections, and evening bonfire. The cost is $60.00, including a packed picnic lunch and BBQ dinner. Please dress and prepare for the weather and terrain. Bring your own water bottle and small day pack to hold the lunch. […]