At Thanksgiving    

As we celebrate our 75th Year of Retreat Ministry there is much for which we give thanks.

On this Thanksgiving Weekend we invite you to join us in giving thanks for many blessings.


Litany of Thanksgiving:

Almighty God,

from whom comes every good and perfect gift,

we lift up our voices in thanksgiving:


For all the gifts You have bestowed upon us,

For the life You have given us,

For the world in which we live,

For the beauty and wonder of creation, we say:

Thank you, O God!


For the work we are empowered to do,

For the beauty and bounty of the world,

For seed-time and harvest and the varied gifts each season brings,

For all that is gracious in the lives of women and men, we say:

Thank you, O God!


For laws which advance justice and equality,

For education which enhances life through the arts and sciences,

For minds to think, hearts to love and hands to serve, we say:

Thank you, O God!


For prophets and seers who are open to the Spirit,

For all lovers and helpers of humanity,

For endless opportunities to help those in need,

For occasions of rest and relaxation, we say:

Thank you, O God!


For the brave and courageous, who are patient in suffering,

For our families, friends, staff and benefactors,

For food which nourishes us, we say:

Thank you, O God!


Above all, for the great mercies and promises given

to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, we say:

Thank you, O God!



Blessings of much peace and goodness to you this Thanksgiving,

we are grateful for your continued support and presence.


From the Friars and Staff at Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre

Happy Thanksgiving!