Women’s Retreat, Friday to Sunday

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Chelsea Fidler 306-596-3676 chelseafidler@outlook.com Margo Swensrude 403-346-5235 swensrude@gmail.com Women’s Retreats

Women’s Retreat, Tuesday to Thursday

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Kathy Oczkowski, 403-246-0660, fkoczkowski@shaw.ca Phyllis Smit, 403-363-7840, smtphil@hotmail.com Women’s Retreats

Men’s Serenity Retreat: Friday to Sunday

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Jim D., 780-484-8713, jdavid@moderndigital.net Neil T., 780-459-0418, thompsonjoyce349@gmail.com Men's Serenity Retreats

Soul Care Day Retreat and Evening Concert

Soul Care Day Retreat and Evening Concert The Retreat: Thursday, 1:30pm to 4:30pm, 21st Located at the warm and inviting Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre Our theme will be “Ignited […]

Women’s Serenity Retreat: Friday to Sunday

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Women: Friends & Family Emily U., 808-657-5412, eeulm@telus.net Women's Serenity Retreats

Women’s Serenity Retreat: Friday to Sunday

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Shawn D., 403-613-1704, olivercavi5@gmail.com Kelly W 587-572-5702, camsteel9@shaw.ca Women's Serenity Retreats

Blessing of the Pets: Sunday, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre P.O. Box 430, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

You are invited to bring your pet to receive a blessing from one of the Friars at a special ritual held outdoors. St. Francis gave special consideration to all of […]